Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20, 2012

Honey, I'm home!

It's so good to be back in the states. I had an amazing trip. Edinburgh was beautiful. From the castles to the scenery and the people, I could not have asked for anything more lovely. I am so proud of my sister Dani, who preformed in The Fringe in Edinburgh. Her show got 4 stars and her name was mentioned for her amazing costumes. She's just plain awesome!

Ireland was also nice. The weather was not as kind to us as Edinburgh and we got drenched a couple of times. When we went to the cliffs of Moher, though, the sky was clear and we could see for miles. Our guide said that only happens maybe 4 times a year. The view was spectacular. The countryside of Ireland was even better than I had pictured. I even saw the faint outline of a rainbow! In Dublin we took in all the sights: the National Museum of Ireland, Trinity College and the Book of Kells (both very impressive, I might add), St. Stephen's Green, Dublin castle, and many old cathedrals. We also got to shop! One of my favorite experiences was eating in Dublin's oldest pub and listening to Food, Folklore and Faeries. I was enthralled my the storytellers histories, myths and music. I could have listened to him all night. Overall, I had a marvelous time with my sisters and mother. It was the experience of a lifetime and I am so thankful to have it! Thank you for inviting me to come along!

You may be asking about how Francis and William fared while I was gone. Francis took off the week from work so he could be a stay-at-home dad for the week. It was a bit of an eye opener for him, to say the least. Everyone survived and I think we are all the better for it. Francis did great. He took William to the Little Gym, the store and even a fun trip to the pool! My dad came up for a couple days and my neighbor brought them some food midweek, but other than that Francis was on his own. He seems to have a new respect for what I do, which I really appreciate. He also feels like a more competent father, which I love! I am so proud of him!!!

Did I miss my Francis and William? Yes! But I was able to Skype them everyday whenever I needed to and that REALLY helped. I got to see William everyday and talk to him. I thought he would be mad that I left and became anxious when I spied them upon my return at the airport. My fears, however, were for naught. William saw me and smiled, hugging tight to Francis with excitement. After a moment of hugging both Francis and William together, William let me hold him and he melted in my arms. It made my heart happy. All in all,  I think everything went as well as it possibly could. My husband and son are both troopers and I am so grateful they allowed me to have this little adventure. I sorely needed it!

Finally, we leave for South Korea in less than two weeks. Please pray we get everything worked out and packed before we leave. I'll keep you updated on our progress!

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