Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014

Last post of the year. It's been a good year.

I wish I could go into all the detail of all that has happened the past two weeks, but I would not do any of it justice. William, Robert and I have been and still are sick for nearly a week. We haven't' slept much and my head is a bit foggy, but I will do my best to hit some highlights of our Christmas.

We (Francis, the boys and I) left for Dallas Friday before last. Saturday we had Christmas with my family. We decorated cookies (which William did for a lot longer than any of us expected), ate pizza, and opened presents. It was a sweet time and although I am a little sad to miss all of the Brownfield traditions, it was perfect for this year.

Tuesday we (Francis, my in-laws, the boys and I) got on a plane and left for Montreal, Canada. Together we checked 10 items and still had two backpacks, a purse, 2 suitcases and 2 strollers to haul through security. Fun times. We touched down about dinner time, got through customs, got the rental cars and headed straight to get some poutine. William has had it before, but Robert had ti for the first time and loved it. We all ate our fill before heading on to the Phillips/Heron house. There we were welcomed warmly by so many people, and cyndy, Chris and Abby joined us shortly as we all ate Bravo's Pizza before putting the kids to bed very late. they were just having too much fun with the cousins. And Francis's grandmother was enjoying seeing her little ones for the first time after over a year.

Wednesday (Christmas eve) we hung around the house in the morning and the kids played in the snow. William and Abby loved the snow, even building a snowman and having a snowball fight with the help of the adult children in the house, hehe. That evening (after spending the afternoon playing at the science center) we had dinner with Francis's mother's father. Dinner was quiet (and mostly in French) and we were able to head home before it got too late.

Thursday (Christmas Day) morning was a fun affair. We had breakfast then opened stockings (a good 28 or so of us). We took pictures, opened presents and had a delicious lunch that left nothing to be desired. I am so thankful to have married into such a kind and wonderful family who reminds me so much of my own. It was a special time. We finished the evening off with dinner at Francis's mother's mother's house. She had a large portion of her family there (including 5 out of the 6 children in his mother's family). Thanks to Chris, most of the conversation ended up being in English, much to the delight of the grandkids and frustration of those whose English was not as good.

Friday we had breakfast all together, then split off in all directions. Francis's branch of the family went and had Bravo's for lunch and then his parents watched the little ones while the parents and cousins went and saw Into the Woods (good movie). Friday night everyone (and I mean everyone from the "three families") who was in town met at a "sugar shack" for dinner, music and dancing. We basically had the place to ourselves. the food was good, but William preferred to drink the maple syrup than put it on his turkey or meat pie. Everyone else then tried drinking the maple syrup too and, well, much syrup was deliciously ingested that night.

Robert and William played and played and they were sad to leave. Robert particularly loved all the attention and how there was always a willing pair of arms to hold him. William loved the snow and the constant availability of playmates (with cousin Matthew being a favorite).

Saturday we headed home. William and I got sick the night before, and were sick the whole way home until now. Robert has been sick on an off too. I really want to get better because this has gone on far too long. We haven't left the house but to go to the dr and the pharmacy since Saturday. I'm ready to be well.

In conclusion, GREAT week if Christmas...but rough past few days. Trying to look at the positive though. 2015 is almost here, and it's almost certain to bring big changes and I'm looking forward to see what's in store.
Till next time!

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