Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11, 2013

William is 20 months old today. How has so much of the year passed so quickly?

It's been a good, but busy week. Most of it was filled with grocery shopping, getting William adjusted to his new room, doing chores and trying to catch up on everything before the Missionary family got here yesterday...but I get a bit ahead of myself.

My mom came in last Friday. Together we got the last of the decorations for the Gender Reveal Party (we find out what we are having this Wednesday!), and had dinner at Red Robin. We we were next to the cashier's stand (it was behind the glass) and William flirted with every female waitress that came by. Especially the cute blonde ones. He would reach between the booth and the glass to get their attention, wave, smile, giggle, play peekaboo and do every charming move in the book until we would make him turn around and sit to eat. Once he got it into his head that he needed to be back with the waitresses and made a bee line for the kitchen/cashiers stand. He nearly made it too. The waitresses were delighted. He's a cutie to be sure. All you single ladies better watch out...that's all I have to say.

On Tuesday, Francis got to feel the baby move for the first time. Francis has just finished dinner when I felt the kiddo moving (William was already in bed). I quickly moved Francis's hand to feel, but baby stopped. This game of cat and mouse continued for several minutes until I pushed Francis's hand against my belly and Baby P decided to roll over. "Did you feel that?" I asked excitedly. "I sure felt something!" Francis responded. We waited a while, but baby was done showing off. Francis had a goofy grin the rest of the night. He's such a great dad.

I've spent this week cleaning like a madwoman for the missionary family to be able to stay in our home. The Bass Family lives in Rhode Island where they are currently nurturing a church they planted in August 2008. Elizabeth and Derek have four children ranging in age from 6 1/2 to 16 months. They left their older two children with Derek's parents in Houston, so we are only hosting four members of the Bass family. They are so sweet and we look forward to getting to know them better as the week progresses. Please keep them and their work in your prayers as they are here at our church for the Global Impact Celebration where we are able to learn about their work and encourage them as they press on towards the goal. We are so honored to be able to serve them this week.

William is adjusting nicely to his new room. He doesn't like the closet door open at night and whines unless we close it. He also still climbs in bed with us in the morning to make sure we know it is tie to get up. He's been sharing his toys really well with Anna (the 16 month old) and Micah (3 years old), but it has only been one morning so far. He's growing into a kind soul and I am so proud when he is generous toward others. What more could a mommy ask?

Well, time to get a move on. I have a luncheon to attend at church in an hour. Until next time!

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