Wednesday, June 19, 2019

June 19, 2019

We've been back from Canada almost a week and have been resting, resetting and trying to get back on schedule (with the addition of swim lessons at 7pm..what was I thinking!?).

Friday before last, the kids and I headed to Dallas in the morning and met the whole Noble clan at Grapevine Mills Mall. It had been far too long wince we've seen them and the 4 hours there playing and having lunch were not near long enough. The kids got some cousin time and we even managed a group picture before the kids and I had to head on. We drove over to the airport around 3 and met my in-laws who helped me get unpacked, bags checked and get through security. We were joined a short while later by Francis, but, much to our dismay, Cyndy, Chris, Abby and Jackson just barely missed joining us on our flight (their connection was delayed). The 8 of us made it into Canada and finally in to bed at our hotel around 2 am. It was a long day, but we made it!

Saturday we got up and had breakfast with some of the extended Phillips and Cotnoir family (while the Cotnoirs are not technically related to Francis, they are Francis's cousins' close enough!). It was s fun breakfast and everyone did years of catching up. Andrew got to meed Nana Phillips for the first time. He gave her a huge toothy smile and I got a few photos as they got acquainted. He even let Nana Phillips hold him! Finally after breakfast/brunch, some of us headed back to the hotel for a nap (ok I napped!) and then we got a snack and headed to Nana's house to play before the birthday party. More family time, and the kids finally got to play the games in Aunt Melo and Uncle Vic's basement (they'd been talking about it for months). They have air hockey, pinball, Foosball, pool and a few other things down there that entertained my big kids for hours. Finally we headed to Nana's 90th Birthday Party! All of her 4 kids and 10 great-grandkids were there and all but 2 great grandkids (and one spouse) were in attendance. We were a large and jolly group!  We did get a picture of Nana with her great grand kids. It was the first time they were all together and ranged from 8 to 3 months. It was a special time. We ate and then returned to the house for cake and presents. Nana talked about her life and what God has done in it. I'm not sure there was a dry eye when she was done. She is such a special lady. Thank you God for her!

Sunday morning we were up again and went to the church where Francis grew up and where some of his family still attends. The church is French-speaking so I got to use my (somewhat limited) skills and the boys did great with the French they have been practicing. They tried to sing along in church and William kept pointing out words he knew. The three bigs decided to go to class when the children were dismissed. I was a little hesitant, but they did great and could even tell me the story that they heard in class. Thankfully at least one teacher in each class knew English, but the class itself was in French. The kids didn't seem to mind and came out all smiles. Made my heart so happy! We also got a picture with a podium the kids' great great grandfather built for the church. That was a pretty cool find! Francis had to go home in the afternoon, so his stay in Canada was short but sweet. He was missed, but needed to get to work on Monday. After church and lunch at St. Huberts (where the kids love the clown ice cream), we went to Nana's (and Aunt Melo and Uncle Vic's) for a swim and a BBQ. It was a good, relaxing evening.

Monday the kids and I were up again and off with my in-laws, Cyndy, Chris, Abby, the Lawlers, and some of the Herons over to Upper Canada Village in Ontario.  Outside were the grave markers of the kids' great great great great great grandparents who were the ones who left Pennsylvania and moved to Canada around the war of 1812. It was a cool day learning about life circa 1850. Robert loved the old bakery, William loved the blacksmith, Hannah loved the houses and horses and Andrew just wanted to explore. We got to eat all together in an old hotel turned restaurant. It was the highlight of the day for me as I could almost place myself there while eating "period food" (or an attempt at it). Monday was Nana Phillips's actual birthday so we all went back to have dinner with her and just enjoy her company. It we lived closer, I think we would definitely do it more often.

Tuesday after breakfast, we explored old town Montreal and the port. The big kids and grandad, Cyndy and Chris climbed and ziplined over a huge pirate ship, while Nana, Hannah, Andrew and I rode the carousel and played in the jump houses. Uncle Jim joined us a for a while and we had a nice chat. In the late afternoon we walked around old town and ended up in front of Notre Dame. They had horse carriages, so Hannah, William, Robert, Nana and I took one around. After a short while, it dawn on Hannah that we were riding in a carriage like a princess and her smile got so big I though her face might break. the kids even got to feed the horse (names Princess) a carrot at the end). We ate at a swanky restaurant before heading back and finally getting in bed before 10 pm.

Wednesday morning we were in no hurry to get up. The Boergers had headed home (as had all the other travellers) so it was just me, the kids and my in-laws. We ate breakfast at the hotel, made a trip to Toys R Us (they still have them in Canada!) for the kids to spend the birthday money from Nana Phillps and then spent the rest of the morning and afternoon with Nana Phillips. It was a sweet time and hard to say goodbye. Andrew even showed off his walking skills! We had dinner at St. Huberts and got to bed early knowing a long day lay ahead.

Thursday we got up at 5:30 and packed into the car to head to the airport. We made it in plenty of time and even though our flight was an hour and a half delayed, we still made our connection and got to Dallas that evening. The kids and I were all exhausted, so rather than driving home, we stayed at Nana and Grandad's and headed back home Friday morning.

So there's our trip in a nutshell. We had a wonderful time and made so many memories. We can't wait to go back.

Friday evening we had our Life Group's pool party. My kids are becoming quite the fish! Sunday was Father's Day. The kids made Francis pictures and he got a special board book from Andrew (all the kids have a "daddy and me" picture book I've written and had made). He also got Les Miserables in French. We went to church, had lunch at BJs, had a quiet afternoon and then had family movie night where I made Francis's favorite: homemade Lasagna. We watched Ralph Breaks the Internet.

This week we started swim lessons. The kids are in Level 2, 1, preschool and parent/child respectively. I can't wait to see what they learn. Other than that, Summer activities are in full swing. We had started Summer bible study on Tuesdays, library generally on Wednesdays and playgroup on Fridays. I'm trying to soak in the moments. I know September will be here all too soon.

Till next time!

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