Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016

I have a 5 year old! There I said it. It still doesn't seem real. 5 years ago today I became a mom for the first time. I'd been in the hospital 3 days in labor, but it was all worth it when they handed me him. My sweet William. Happy birthday, buddy! He is articulate, doing first grade math, nearly a month into kindergarten, is reading many words, and has enough questions to fill a library of books. He's tall and strong and loves most everything. I love him so much!

This week has been busy. I've been cleaning the house and packing for Canada in addition to everything else going on. Tuesday we went to Toys R' Us for William to get his birthday balloon, crown and announcement at the store. He then used his R Us dollars to buy a small toy. Robert brought along some money for himself and picked out a small Batman car. Fun was had by all, but I was pooped by the end. My boys take their time when making decisions! Hannah didn't care. She walked up and down ever aisle grabbing, picking up and carrying everything in sight.

Wednesday we went to the Children's Museum. It was fun and Hannah even tried to help a little boy older than her learn how to walk. It's getting harder and harder to keep track of all three kids, so I'm glad that I can generally keep all three kids in sight while there.

Today the birthday boy chose Chuck E Cheese for the morning's activity. Google was wrong about the time they opened, so we ended up eating cookies in the mall until they actually opened. It only cost me $10 for an hour and a half of fun, and the kids got 450 tickets. They used it to get 16 mini snakes and a plastic hopping frog. house is now infested, lol. We will be going out for dinner tonight to Olive Garden, and then the boys' birthday party (they are having a combined party) is on Saturday. They are having a Star Wars party and we are expecting a fun crowd of people. We can hardly wait!

This week we have also been watching the Olympics. The kids were less than impressed with the opening ceremonies because they wanted to see people compete, but since then they can't get enough. William is learning a bunch of the countries' flags and will be a great announcer as he gives me everyone's places and scores as they come up on the screen. He's even learned some of the athletes names and gets excited when they come on the screen. Robert loves trying to replicate what is going on (especially the gymnastics) and yells "go USA" and "we won" pretty consistently. He gets really excited when we actually win. It's super cute. Hannah is just happy everyone else is happy and joins in the fray whenever she can. I'm happy to be passing on my love of the Olympics to the next generation.

That's all for now.

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