Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 28, 2016

It's been a big week here at the Phillips house.

MOMS started on last Thursday and Bible Study started Tuesday. Both were great! I got to reconnect with my MOMs group and meet a (mostly) new group of ladies for this new study. I'm excited about what this semester will bring!

Last Friday Cyndy and Abby made an impromptu trip up from Houston to have some cousin time. It was so fun and I didn't have to leave home. They played with the costumes, the kitchen, the tools and so much more. The kids love Abby and no one wanted the day to end. Wonderful memories!

Hannah turned 6 months on Sunday. My big girl! She had her check up today. She is 16lbs 1oz, 27 1/2 inches (super long) and has a big head still like the rest of us. She can sit up, plays with her brothers, laughs, tried to eat everything except actual baby food and as of Monday, she is crawling! I had a very rough Monday (a pull-up blew up in the washing machine), so I kept having to leave Hannah to play while I dealt with things. I'd come back shortly and find her in a whole different area and still on her stomach (as opposed to when she rolls places). When I was making dinner I peeked around the corner and caught her on all fours crawling across the floor! I frantically went for my phone to record it, but she was more or less done when I found it, so I only got a couple of scoots on tape. I thank God for her and the progress she is making. Brothers are thrilled at her crawling, but less thrilled at how quickly she can get their toys now. It's a whole new ball game. She's also started pulling up on things. No toy (in fact nothing) is safe! I love her so much!

William is finally saying his "r"s. He has always said them like "w"s but as he is about to be 5 in August, I am glad (and sad because it's cute) that his speech is developing. He is not perfect, but I know in time he will have it down in no time. His imagination is blossoming also. Right now most adventures involve super heroes and Star Wars (neither of which they have actually really seen), and it is a joy to watch.

My parents came up for the day yesterday. We had lunch at Chuy's, played at the house all afternoon and joined Francis for dinner at Dickey's BBQ. It was simply delightful. Robert wanted my dad to read every book in the house (so did William). My mom brought them a new counting/fruit/sorting toy that they played with for the better part of an hour. Hannah wanted to both crawl and cuddle which my parents enjoyed very much. My mom played board games with the boys. I wouldn't have changed a thing, except to make more hours in the day.

A minute ago Robert told me he needed to go potty, ran to the potty, got on it and went! I was about to tell him that he needed to go, but he managed to tell me this time. It's a big step. I told him when he told me and went on his own like this we would get ice cream. I guess that day is today. I'm so happy! Normally he will go when you tell him, but not want to stop playing when he needs to go. He is growing up so fast. He's my little comedian and brings me laughter when I need it most. He knows the value of a happy heart, and I hope he always holds onto that.


I just received word that Francis's grandfather (mom's father) passed away today. Two Sundays ago, he met Jesus and asked him to be the Lord and Savior of his life. We are saddened by his passing, but overjoyed that He is with the Father. Please pray for the rest of the family in this time that his decision to follow Christ would be made known and impact those who knew him. Also pray for comfort. Thank you.

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