It's been a crazy busy week and a half. We've done so much I don't even know where to begin!
I guess I will start with Thursday evening before last. Our MOMs group hosted a special dinner (with childcare!) so Francis and I had a catered dinner at church that evening. The speaker was good and the company delightful. The kids had finished their antibiotics by then and are doing great so fun was had by all.
Friday was very special. After a day of playgroup and school, we had a very special evening. Chick-fil-a was hosting a "Daddy Daughter Date Night" complete with table side service, live music, princesses that came to the table, special crafts and activities and a special dessert. Hannah picked out her clothes and Francis dressed up too. They had a great time. Hannah loved the one on one daddy time (who can blame her? He's awesome!). Meanwhile back at the ranch, the boys decided they needed to take me out on a date. Where did they choose? Chuck E Cheese of course! They took their job very seriously though. They opened the door for me, used all of their manners and stayed with me as we went about and did the games. It was so special to be with just them and I wouldn't have traded that time for anything.
Saturday Francis and I did a swap. I took Hannah shopping for the afternoon and Francis took the boys ice skating. Both were fruitful times. Francis had a great time honing the boys' skills that they are learning Tuesday evenings. I had fun with Hannah, who is a great shopper. She looks carefully through everything and picks out what she wants (though she doesn't usually get to have it). She walked most of the way and was beaming from ear to ear through the entire mall. I can tell this is the beginning of a beautiful shopping relationship with my little girlie.
Sunday was church and AWANAS. Monday morning we did our usually grocery store shopping and school. But Monday evening we decided to go out to the open house of FUNgineering. It was great. William and Robert both built robots based on instructions and then were able to code the robots to perform simple tasks. Beyond that, they had a robot arena in a different room where pre-made robots could be customized and then battled against one another. My kids thought it was the best day ever! Hannah got to look at all the displays, build with the duplos and watch all the robotic fun. Francis was in heaven too, I think. Fun was had by all!
Tuesday was Valentine's Day. The kids were greeted with cards and small gifts at the breakfast table. Francis recieved a cake that was made by myself and the kids as well as a couple other gifts. William got new Pokemon cards (as did Francis), Robert got a batman toy and Hannah got things for her babies. At CC school, William did a very special presentation on a missionary: William Phillips (his great-grandfather). He did a lot of research, and proudly presented what he knew. It was amazing! I made a special meal for dinner with sparkling grape juice to drink and cake for dessert. All in all a good "love day".
Wednesday we went to the library for story time as we do most weeks. Thursday was MOMS. at home, William and Francis made a binder for William's Pokemon cards. It turned out really well. Hannah and Robert had a great time in class while I learned about the FBI agency in College Station (who knew?) and some ways to protect our kids from the internet and what to do in the event of an abduction. Very interesting.
Friday we had playgroup. the weather cleared up just in time for us to have a great time!
Saturday was Abby's family birthday party. She is 6 years old today! We ate lunch, had a pinata, opened gifts and enjoyed spending time together as a family. It seems like only yesterday I help her in my arms for the first time. Happy Birthday Abby! We had dinner at a Mexican food place with all of my in-laws and the Davis family. I have missed Angel in particular terribly and it was good to spend time with her. So good.
This week had been a repeat of last: Church, grocery store, CC, Library, and MOMs (playdate to watch Tangled). It's been a blur but also so much fun.
William is reading very fluently these days. He is actually reading this blog aloud next to me as I type. It is impressive. He wants you to know he always wins at Pokemon cards against his dad, but it is because the new versions of the cards are way more powerful than the ones Francis has from 15 years ago.
Robert wants you to know he still likes batman and he is excited to go to Disney World soon (we are planning a trip). He is growing all the time and still a great cuddler.
Hannah is (miraculously) napping right now. She is talking more all the time and understands everything we say. She has an opinion about most things, loves her baby dolls and wants to do whatever her brothers are doing.
I got a fitbit for Christmas, but just now set it up last night. Not sure where I was going with that, but I do forsee more walking than I already do in my future. That's all I have time for now! Till next time!
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