It has been a week. I'm tired and everyone is cranky. I fell getting out of the car yesterday and shredded my favorite pair of pants, and scratched up my knee significantly... That's just a taste of this week.
And while I'm not enjoying this week, I can take comfort in the fact that this restlessness it is creating is forcing me back to relying on the Father. i would have quit a thousand times over if that were an option, but because it isn't, I have to lean on Him. I find myself thanking Him for even small successes as they have been few and far between this week.
But enough unhappy. No need for everyone else to be unhappy with us. Hannah is growing and knowing her own mind more. She is playing more and more with her brothers as an equal partner and participant. Robert is also making known his thoughts about life known. He is starting to write things if I will spell them for him. I see that his practicing of letters this year is paying off as he recognizes them on signs everywhere. William is speeding through his work these days. He is becoming more self-motivated and likes to know all he has to do and then power through it. I'm impressed at how he is already becoming a semi-autonomous learner. He already reads the math word problems without me and answers them. At nap-time the other day, William read through 8 or 9 Clifford books with Robert with no help.
So in conclusion, it's true what they say: The days go slowly but the years go quickly. This week has seemed like a thousand years, but 6 years have passed in a blink.
Till next time!
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