It's been a long couple of weeks. We've been in a bit of a holding pattern fighting on and off what has turned out to be walking Pneumonia. With the exception of CC last Tuesday and parent's night out on Friday, we haven't been out much at all. All three kids and I have had this sickness, and every time I think we are finally doing better, we go out an crash upon returning home. It all came to a head Saturday evening when Hannah was cough-breathing in her sleep. I was able to get her into the doctor on Sunday where she was diagnosed and we were all able to get on antibiotics. I am happy to say we have all made a complete turn around with the exception of an occasional cough that I have a suspicion won't leave us for some time.
Last Tuesday was our family's turn to present during opening ceremony. Francis came and stayed through the morning so he could see what we do each week. He said it was mostly what he was expecting, so I guess that's good! I have the paperwork done so both boys can participate next year. Yay! One thing that did happen was that after science time (which happened to be on aeronautics, good timing!), Francis was invited to explain why experiments turned out as they did. He gave an impromptu explanation and did a good job! It was very fun having him there.
Friday we had our date night. We went to Bjs and saw La La Land. Both were made more enjoyable by being with Francis.
As I've said we've spent most of our time at home. Francis even stayed home with all 3 kids last Thursday so I could go to MOMs. I'm glad I went as the speaker said things I needed to hear. It's wonderful when truth is spoken over you at the exact moment you need it.
Overall update, William is reading. He is reading most everything he can get his hands on. When he wakes up, he reads the books in his room to himself or his siblings until it's time to get up and get going. He reads at nap time. He reads signs and, well, everything in sight. As a result he has started to check out "big kid" books from the library. Last time he chose books all about the ocean and this week, he picked to learn about Sharks and Cheetahs (two different books). He pours over them. It's amazing! He is still loving school minus handwriting. We have to find good motivators to get through handwriting each week. Everything else is a breeze.
Robert is always thinking. Even when he isn't feeling well, the what ifs are never ending. He has spent quite a bit of time building with the duplo legos as of late. I have to put "in progress" creations on the fire place to save for later or the world will be over. Some of his structures have been truly impressive! He's also very in tune to what is going on with his siblings. He knows the goings on of this house better than I do sometimes!
Hannah is growing and becoming so big! She loves clothes (dress up, costume, day wear, you name it). She has an opinion about what she is going to wear and it does not go on her body without her permission. Good news though, she likes the little girl underwear I bought her and does he best to keep it clean while wearing it (which is generally only part of the day because I don't really want to clean poop out of cloth). She loves her baby dolls. She spent a great deal of time yesterday wrapping up one of her dolls in a blanket and carrying it around. We found some of her newborn stuff, and much to her delight, it fit the doll, so the rest of the day was spent getting her doll, "all dolled up". She also loves reading about princesses. She generally picks a princess book when it's her turn to choose. I don't greatly encourage or discourage any of this so it's interesting to see her take such delight in all things "girly". On the other hand, her other favorite activities are light saber battles with her brothers, playing with action figures, and building forts. So, there's balance, haha.
Most of all I'm loving seeing these kids grow to love each other and learn about God. Our lives aren't perfect (the past couple of weeks have been close to unbearable at points), but I am thankful that God chose me for this job right now. I will honor it and Him as best I can.
Till next time!
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