I'm so behind! I'm going to have to speed through a bit in order to catch up a little. Bear with me!
Three weeks ago after getting back from Canda, we spent the rest of the week in Dallas mostly with my parents before my dad had his first hip replacement surgery. It was fun with a ton of swimming, Pokemon walks around the neighborhood and playing outside. Friday my mother-in-law took off work and she, my mom, my sister Christian, her kids, her mother-in-law (Pam), my kids and I all went to Legoland in Grapevine Mills Mall. As it was a school day, it was not crowded and we were able to do everything in just a couple of hours. No lines equals happy kiddos. It was fun! Hannah walked everywhere and all three kids played with their cousins with great eagerness in turn. Grandmas were happy to have grand-kid time and moms were grateful for the extra hands. We all went to Rainforest Cafe for lunch afterward and every kid more or less cleaned their plate. They had been busy and now they were hungry. Such a great day! That Saturday was Danielle and Kevin's engagement party. The maid of honor (Sierra) threw a shindig at a park with refreshments and games. my parents, Christian and her family and the kids and I all enjoyed meeting Danielle and Kevin's friends. The boys especially liked that there were "pokestops" at the park where they could get items and that they were able to catch pokemon. They spent their time discussing Pokemon with the guests (a topic which was of great interest to all, thank goodness!) and taking each person's phone in turn to get items for that person. A few girls even took the kids on a walk to search for Pokemon, much to their delight. The party was a raving success! Francis got home in the middle of the night that night and Sunday morning we headed back to College Station as Francis and the boys had an AWANA meeting around 4. After unpacking and around bedtime, Hannah was not ready to sleep. I decided to take her for a walk outside as it had just finished raining and the temperature was nice. Well, the rain washed something invisible (algea?) across the sidewalk and I slipped and fell spectacularly. I managed to save all of Hannah but her head (she had a bruise), but I was very scraped up and my left knee had gone the entirely wrong way. I barely limped up to the door and then was unable to walk the rest of the evening. It hurt....so bad. Even now I'm wearing a brace to get around, but I do think I'm improving (thank goodness!).
We spent last week getting back into the swing of things. Tuesday was a big day for us. William had his first day of Kindergarten and it also happened to be Francis's first day of school too. I got pictures of both of them with cute signs and then we parted ways. the kids and I went up to church and I got the Hannah and Robert in the nursery and William and I made it to assembly just in time. William was shy at first, clinging to me when someone spoke to him, but he warmed up quickly and by the time we made it to his classroom, he ran over to his carpet square for circle time with great enthusiasm. I am so glad I get to be in class with him and I took a ton of photos for Francis. William loved the science experiments the most (they were about temperature in the shade and how satellites orbit the earth), and also like counting in math. Art involved learning about different lines used in paintings. He also learned the continents and major oceans, something about Charlemagne, skip counting by twos, verb tenses in latin, the seven types of biomes, the eight parts of speech, and the first seven events of our history timeline. What a first day, right?! I am liking Classical Conversations though. We will see where God leads us on this journey! The rest of the week we worked on school and got other things done (like an oil change for the car), and started back with playgroup on Fridays! It rained during playgroup, but the playground was covered so the kids didn't care. Robert's friend Emerson was there and they held hands and had the sweetest conversations about life and what they like. Robert is so articulate when he wants to be. It's fun to hear his thoughts on things.
This week has gone by in a flash. Hannah has started to pick out her own clothes and talk more than the boys did at this age. She is pretty easy going most of the time, but she does have an opinion. Monday was the first day that William had to walk through the grocery store (instead of ride). It worked pretty well, but I think it will get easier as time goes on. We made it to school on Tuesday with more time to spare and so I didn't feel so frazzled. The kids like having lunch with everyone after school and I am liking it too. We also got a schedule of our field trips. That made me even more excited. It's going to be a great year! Yesterday the boy had their dentist appointments. William had a full cleaning and x-rays for the first time. He did great and his teeth look awesome. His permanent molars are poised to come in any time now, so we'll be on the lookout for them soon. Robert also had no cavities and everything looked good. He was a trooper and held completely still to be examined. they are getting so big!
Today was the fist day of MOMs this year. William is too old to go now that he's in Kindergarten, so Francis has volunteered to watch him. They have decided they are going to build a new dog house for the dogs. Today they took the measurements and bought the supplies. Robert and Hannah went with me and met their teachers for the year. They came out happy and tired. I like my group and look forward to getting to know them better. All in all a successful first meeting.
Whew! That was much more of an overview than I would like to right, but there it is. Till next time!
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