Well, fall has hit this house hard. On Saturday we went to the Living History event in Independence Texas. The kids saw a black smith, a carpenter, and learned about what life was like when Texas declared it's independence from Mexico. We even got to see a period musket being shot. It was cool. We then went down to Barrington Family farm and learned about how this wealthy doctor and his family lived in the mid 1800s. It was fascinating and William admitted life would have been hard because they didn't have phones. Priorities. I was missing the air conditioning and so we walked up to the Museum near Independence hall and learned about how and why Texas declared independence and what life was like on the frontier. The kids were able to dress up like pioneers, build a "log cabin", make rope, "cook", milk a pretend cow and practice loading up their wagon. Our afternoon was spent at the birthday event at Toys R Us. It was a little different than our morning to be sure. They all got to meet Geoffrey, her a story about him, dance around the store, get snack and get a book and stuffed animal for free. Saturday was a full day. William and Hannah started coughing by the end of it and my Sunday morning, they were both down for the count. I finally broke down and took them to the doctor on Monday. They both have (fall) allergy induced asthma like their momma. Robert was not far behind. He had it last year but not nearly as severely as William. So if you see my kids they are not contagious, but the sound horrible and are tired from coughing at night. I'm praying we find a way to get this under control soon. Or that the first freeze comes sooner than anticipated to kill off whatever causes our allergies/asthma.
William and Robert are loving school and enjoying memorizing and learning. They especially are enjoying Sparks and cubbies where they get to learn Bible verses. William caught me memorizing my verse for MOMs the other day and was amazed and excited that I try to learn scripture too. He has been listening almost non stop to his Sparks CD so he can learn ALL of his verses for the whole year right now. It's cute and I love his motivation. Hannah is a climbing fool and still loves cuddling momma. She is using more words and is calling anything on 4 legs either "dog" or "bear". She is using short two word sentences when it suits her, but she makes sure you understand when she wants something. I love these kiddos!
If you keep us in your prayers, please pray for healing. We are all tired of Fall allergens and today if the first official day of Fall. Hopefully the entire season won't bring us this much trouble.
Till next time!
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