Another wonderful week in the history books.
Last Friday we had playgroup. I tried to savor every moment of that day. Because after playgroup we went to Kroger and picked up some Batman cupcakes with green icing. It was Robert's last day of being 2. My big boy! We played extra hard that day and I showered him with as many smiles as I could. I even kissed him goodnight after he'd fallen asleep so I could see him one last time as a two year old.
He woke up chipper on his third birthday. Robert chose donuts for breakfast and then all of us were able to head to his activity of choice: Chuck E Chesse. I had $10 of coins left from the last time we went, so we spent an hour using them. Since it was an early Aggie game, we had the place to ourselves. I actually had to ask if Chuck E Cheese was going to come out, and "he" appeared a short time later to a very excited Robert and William for pictures. Hannah was less enthusiastic and more wary. Prize picking did not take too long (thank goodness!), and we were able to have lunch in the mall attached to Chuck E Cheese. Robert and Hannah fell asleep on the way home, which meant we had a short while of quiet rest in the afternoon (a rare thing these days). Shortly after everyone was awake, Nana and Grandad showed up with more gifts! Francis and I had given Robert a green light saber (something he's been asking for to go with his red one). Nana and Grandad brought shirts for the boys and two hockey nets and balls to play hockey in the street. It wasn't long before Francis, Grandad, William and Robert were playing in the street. It was fun to see them, to say the least. After an afternoon of playing, we all met up with Cyndy, Chris and Abby at Mooyah for dinner. Abby brought the boys each new thermos (R2D2 and Batman) which have been a huge hit ever since. We all came back to the house for cupcakes and singing and just a little bit of playing before bedtime. Overall, it was absolutely perfect. Happy Birthday, Robert!
Monday after the grocery store, the boys had their 3 and 5 year check ups respectively. William is nearly 47 lbs and 44.5 inches tall. He's proportional and tall for his age. He's a healthy and happy kid. Robert is nearly 29 lbs and 36 1/2 inches tall, moving him up the growth chart on both since his 2 year check up. He's now in the 27th percentile for height!! I'm so glad to see him grow. He's happy and healthy too. I thank God for these kids and seeing them flourish just makes my heart overflow.
Tuesday was our 3rd Classical Conversations week. William is doing great! I can't believe how much he is learning. Robert and Hannah are enjoying the nursery. I was able to not wear my knee brace on Tuesday also which made for a much easier day for me. My knee is doing much better and I'm so happy.
Wednesday we started going to the preschool story-time at the library. This is for ages 3-5 year olds, but many moms had a younger sibling with them also so it was perfect. I'm excited to how this is going to work for us!
Today we went to Toys R Us to use the birthday money Nana Phillips gave the kids. We did Robert's Toys R Us birthday celebration (aka a balloon and hat), and Robert smiled so big when they said his name over the loud speaker. The kids got a lot of good loot (Thanks Nana Phillips!) and happily came home to play with it.
Hannah is becoming more of a toddler each day. She picks out her own clothes, tells you what she does and does not want to eat, lets you know where she wants to go, and LOVES to dress up. Anything she finds (be it superhero costumes, mommy's shoes or Daddy's clean undershirts) is suddenly something she must be wearing. And she will wear it around until you make her take it off. She has a couple of dress up dresses now, but I foresee a few more in the future to be sure. She loved playing with an outfit I got for Abby years ago in Korea last week and today I got her an Aviva (Wild Kratts) creature power suit so she can play right along side with her brothers as they wear theirs. This afternoon is going to be epic.
William is busting out reading like he was born doing it. He can read nearly any 3 letter word and is growing his vocabulary and sight words daily. Last night he said (after Francis shot off a lego storm troopers gun and it didn't do much), "I was hoping for something more dramatic". I laughed so hard I nearly cried.
Robert is doing great at his school also. I went ahead and got the preK star wars stuff for him even though it's for older kids and he is breezing through it with joy. He LOVES school and bugs me about it until we do it. He is learning to recognize his letters and number and even write them. I'm going to blink and he'll be reading too!
In the evenings lately we've been going on walks with Francis around the neighborhood and over to a nearby park. I love that we are able to do this, and especially love how the kids come home tired and happy. I'm hoping the weather and sunlight let us keep doing this as long as possible because it is such a precious time. A couple of nights ago we found a new playgounf park that we didn't know existed and last night we took out the remote control car for a spin near the elementary school. There are so many things to do outside when the weather is nice and the sun isn't beating down. I can't wait to see what else we discover!
Till next time!
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