A lot of changes have been going on around here. First off Hannah turned 2 1/2 yesterday. She's bright and spunky and we loved on her all day and had some cake to celebrate last night(I mean, why not?). Also yesterday William lost his first tooth. He came up, told me it was really loose, and after I panicked for a couple seconds, he pulled it our himself! He's such a brave kid and it didn't even phase him. We had cake to celebrate this achievement last night too, so I guess you could say it was a pretty successful day! We did have a hiccup this morning when William couldn't find his tooth fairy money right away, but Francis came to the rescue and pointed out the envelope under his pillow. Then there was excitement all around. Robert now wants to start losing teeth. He doesn't like the idea of having to wait. His time will come soon though!
And now for the biggest announcement, Baby Phillips #4 is due July 8th! I will be the first to admit the shock at finding out I was expecting (which happened when I smelled mustard and promptly gagged... a side effect of all my other pregnancies). Francis was also shocked, but he took it in happy stride. We found out right around Halloween, but told no one just then. A couple of days later Robert informed us he'd been praying for a baby for Christmas (he didn't know yet his prayer had been answered). I told him to let me know before he prays that prayer next time. We told the kids after Thanksgiving and they were so thrilled!!! Robert wanted the baby to be here before Christmas but he now understands that babies take time. He's being very patient...they all are. I've had a lot of morning sickeness and actual sickness and the kids and Francis have been wonderful trying to help. The kids kept the secret and we told Francis's parents, my parents and the rest of the family at Christmas. The kids put on a special "play" to announce the arrival of their new sibling and Hannah wore an adorable "promoted to big sister" shirt. The reaction was positive with much laughter and some happy tears. My appointments have been going well and the kids even were able to come and see baby on the sonogram. They watched in awe and talked to the baby. It made me smile. I haven't felt the baby move too much but the doctor thinks my placenta is in the front and muffling the kicks. It feels like I'm feeling the kicks through a water bed and that's what lead the doctor to this conclusion. We'll know for sure at the anatomy ultrasound next month! I had my 16 week check today and everything looked good.
Hannah has been practicing all the things to do with the baby when they come. It's pretty adorable. The boys have been working on a name for this kid and settled on Cutie Pie Phillips for a girl and Handsome Boy Phillips for a boy. We'll have to see how that works out for them. Hannah and Robert have been extra cuddly lately, wanting to cuddle with baby as much as me. William happily dispenses his big brother wisdom as he tells all the things he remembers from when Hannah was born. This kid is going to be born into one "prepared" family. My doctor has been jokingly calling me "the expert" or the "professional" because nothing really seems to phase me. I don't know that either of those title are appropriate, but I'm glad she thinks I'm doing something right!
I suppose that's it for now. I'm sure there is a novel I could write about now, but the human pyramid going on behind me needs to be dealt with before someone gets hurt. Till next time!
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