We've been on and off sick over the past couple of weeks, which has made for quite a few days home. On Friday we were finally feeling well enough to go out (we'd only been out for groceries the rest of the week), I asked the kids where they wanted to go. They looked at em wide eyed, "We are going to leave the house today?!?" It's been weird for the family who normally goes out everyday to stay in and that response struck me as particularly unlike us. We ended up going to the Children's Museum and having a lovely time (making sure to wash our hand on the way out so hopefully we won't catch anything new). The sickness (which the doctor said was like the flu but was not in fact the flu) has kept us pretty tired. I spent more than one day wrestling with the state of my house versus the state of my exhaustion. No worries though as I have finally bounced back and put most everything to right.
It's also was very cold here earlier this week. Early Tuesday morning rain and the cold temperatures gave way to freezing rain, sleet and even a little snow. Fearing the worst, school was cancelled even at A&M so Francis was able to stay home with us (he's the only one to have managed to avoid being sick), and cozy up as we weathered the very very cold, but otherwise mild storm. The weather finally gave way Friday and by Saturday the high was in the 70s. It was actually warmer outside than in our house when we got home from church today! Yesterday we went to the boys' skating lessons (they have started them back up again) and then participate in a Pokemon Go community day. It was fun and SO nice to really be outside for the first time in nearly a month. It was so nice out in fact that after dinner, we took our first family walk since before time change. Now that felt amazing. I'm hoping the weather will continue to hold so we can start going out more. We'll just have to see!
William is doing well in school and is always thinking. He's become a bit of a sneaky negotiator, so he keeps me on my toes! We went to chick-fil-a yesterday and one of the workers there is also a volunteer in William's class at church. She excitedly asked is William was there (he was in the playground) and stated confidently that William is one of her favorites because he is always so full of energy and can make anything into a positive. That is a good assessment of him.
Robert is learning so much too. He's beginning to read and not just words I teach him. He's also started adding in his head which I also didn't teach him. He's creative and has come up with elaborate stories.The one yesterday involved a reenactment of a Cowboys football game (a favorite of his) where he is actually playing soccer against the other team (named "the losers") where his team is all superheroes and Pokemon and the other team is evil zombies and monsters. He tells it better I assure you.
Hannah received a large art kit from the Boerger family for Christmas. Everyday at school time she asks for her "Belle Schoolwork" (Belle is on the front) and spends the better part of an hour creating a masterpiece each day. I had no idea it would hold her attention like it does, but its' been a dream come true. She is also loving her baby dolls and is usually carrying one of them or her "grumpy cat" when I see her in the morning. She feeds them and talks to them. Hannah is an excellent mommy when she tries. She is so ready to be a big kid like her brothers. She got a set of Minnie Mouse bedding from Sweetie and Papa for Christmas that she loves to have tucked in perfectly around her at night just like her brothers. She loves what they love, but still has her own opinions. She's a cutie and her brother love her just as much as she loves them.
Till next time!
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