So yes, I know I wrote yesterday, but I had a moment at the doctor's office today. Now worries, William is healthy. He has tons of fluid around him (no surprise there, since he still is able to occasionally disappear into the recesses of my belly). His heart rate was 150. He was even blinking for the sonogram (which looked really cool!).
But none of that is the main reason I am writing. The doctor said something that struck a chord. She said, "So yeah, if you go into labor at this point we are not going to try to stop it." That caught me off guard. Yes, I knew that information somewhere in the back of my head, but hearing someone say it out loud (a doctor no less) gave me reason to pause. Really? I'm that close now? William will be a term baby in a week, but "term" is little more than a word to me if I'm being honest. It holds little meaning other than that he will be healthier if he comes after that date than before. Considering women in my family seem to carry long (I was 15 days late), I figure I will too. But what if I don't? This is just food for thought mostly. I am not panicking or anything. I would categorize this feeling in the anxious/excited category.
I am glad things are ready for him to come, or I might be in a bit more nervous. The OCD person in me has mapped out anything we could possibly need. I am one of those crazy women who made a birth plan. If we don't stick to it, I am not worried about it, but I want to have something to give the doctor or nurse if they ask. I also made information sheets for my mom and Francis for my time in the hospital. Mostly it is who I would like to inform of William's arrival before it is posted on Facebook as well as a list of what we need to do before leaving the hospital (ex: make an appointment with the pediatrician). I have also made a list of things to pack to take to the hospital, though that list is less complete. Like I said, I am a bit obsessive/compulsive when it comes to planning, but at least I am flexible in the moment.
Sorry for rambling a bit. I just had to get it off my chest. This baby will come when he comes, and it could be any time now!
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