Another week passes, and I am closer to William's coming. I am getting a little anxious but in a good way. William's kicks are still gentle, I am not waddling, and I am not swollen. Oh! And I can still wear my wedding ring! All is well.
This weekend we celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday. As my mother says, we celebrated the anniversary of her 29th year. Francis's parents, Cynthia, and my niece Abby came up in time for lunch on Saturday. We ate at Chipotle and then went shopping at Garden Ridge and Baby Depot. I finally found a cushion for the rocking chair I inherited from my family. It looks great and matches the room! Abby got some new clothes at Baby Deopt (she is growing so fast!). We came back to the house, and Francis made the most excellent beef and chicken fajitas for dinner. They were amazingly good! After dinner we played a round of Settler's of Catan which Cyndy won. Cake and presents followed and overall it was a great evening. Something I found very interesting is that my father-in-law's voice has much the same effect on William as Francis's voice. At one point in the evening they were both talking feverishly very close to me (about computer stuff) and William went crazy. Not sure he knew what to do with himself, so he just did his best marching band impression. Adorable.
Sunday Francis's family headed home after I made French toast for breakfast. Francis got called into work late the night before and didn't return until 4am. He slept most of the day while I fiddled around doing different odd jobs around the house. About 4 O'clock, Francis and I finally got out of the house and went to use a Sears card we had forgotten we had. What did we buy? Diapers and baby powder. We will need both, and so we might as well get them with the gift card before it expires or we lose it again. On our way home, we stopped at Kaleidoscoops, my new favorite ice cream place. They have all sorts of crazy and fun flavors. We had double fudge and New York Cherry. They even went well together!
I washed all of William's clothes and linens last week so that he can use them when he comes. The only big thing we have left to do is to install the car seat base and mirror in my car. That shouldn't take too long. We will do that some time this week. I also need to find something I want to wear in the hospital (a robe and night gown). As much as I may like the hospital gowns...I may want to at least have the option to change.
Looking forward to just about 4 more weeks of waiting and preparing (six if this baby is 2 weeks late). He will come when he comes. I pray that he will be healthy and have no complications. We appreciate all your prayers!
I found some nursing gowns for fairly reasonable at Motherhood Maternity. They also have some gown and robe sets. I had a robe that would work already so I didn't need the set but I would definitely recommend checking there.