Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011

It is maddening to wait, especially knowing I am only 24 hours away from knowing. I wanted to go pay for a 3D ultrasound this weekend so I could find out, but Francis vetoed that notion and told me I had to wait. He is more patient than I am. He claims the reality of having a baby has not yet hit him, and he is afraid when he finds out, it will all sink in.

So instead of being rash and finding out what this baby is, we went shopping blindly for baby stuff so that we could agree basically on what we liked and didn't like. I already knew what I preferred and hated, but Francis had not yet been baby shopping. He wants to have some input on the nursery. Basically he doesn't want to hate whatever I get and have to look at it every day. I can respect that. We found a jungle set that Francis absolutely hates. He says the monkeys scare him...that's all I will say. We also found a set of pink monkeys that we both really like. Since we were going to do ladybugs and dragonflies if it is a girl, we will have to rethink our nursery if that time comes. We also agreed on a stroller and a few other things. Miracles will never cease, I know. We didn't start the registry yet though. I will do that later this week, probably when my mom comes in town. You can bet, though, that the scary monkeys will not be on it.

In other news, the expert chef has struck again. Francis made a pizza last night. He spent two and a half hours making flatbread from scratch, then made some of the best pizza sauce I have ever tasted, and topped it with read and green bell peppers, mozzarella cheese, and italian sausage. It was so pretty, I took a picture of it before we ate. It tasted equally good. I have an amazing husband of many talents.

I feel like singing the song from Les Miserables, "Tomorrow we'll discover what our God in heaven has in store. One more dawn. One more day. One day more!". I am one day short of this baby being halfway here. Baby Phillips, I will love you whatever you are. But please, be cooperative tomorrow so we can find out what that is!

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