Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

It was quite a weekend. I am still a little tired and not just due to time change. Francis and I drove to Dallas on Friday for a weekend full of weddings. We got in late and went to sleep even later because we stayed up talking to our families. Saturday morning I went shopping with my mother and mother-in-law to find a crib furniture set for the baby. I had been reading horror stories on the internet about how furniture had not come in for months, so I wanted to get on at least finding a crib. Considering this baby could theoretically come in five weeks (though let's pray it is close to 21 weeks!), I wanted to be prepared. Plus it was a fun ladies outing. I found a set I really liked, but upon looking at the reviews online, I decided against getting it. Apparently the beautiful wood decorations easily came off and could become choking hazards to new little ones. Not a risk I am willing to take! The day was not a bust, I have a sippy cup with William or Hannah's name on it (one of each) as well as a swaddle blanket. Thanks mom!

Saturday afternoon Francis and I (and the baby) attended the first of two weddings for the day. It was a beautiful wedding in a chapel. My friend Candace made a lovely bride and she was obviously happy. I wish her all the best! After the ceremony, we headed to the second wedding of the day: Jenny and Andrew. This wedding was out in Denton so after an hour drive, we were there. the wedding was outside. They could not have asked for more prefect weather for the "Indie chic" wedding. The reception was inside a beautiful mansion. I got to visit with many old friends, and it was a wonderful evening. At the end of the day, I can truly say I saw two happy and blessed unions!

Sunday we went to Prestonwood. The time change coupled with the loud music really threw the baby off. I have been feeling him consistently at 9am, noon, and 9pm. This was supposedly the first week he can hear things other than me in the outside world, and I believe it. When a particularly loud song came on, the baby was rolling over and sprawling all about as if to say, "What in the world IS that?" It made for an interesting service. After church I had first lunch with my family. It was nice to see my sisters and just relax over a meal. Then Francis and I went on to have second lunch with his parents. Don't worry, we knew this was going to happen, so we ate appropriate portions both times. After lunch, Francis and his dad hit some little white balls, and I went with his mom to try and find a crib again. Luckily we found one. I now have a chest of drawers and a crib ordered as well as a mattress for the bed. Now all I need to do is find a child-size desk that matches and can be used as a changing table. If I can't do that, I will just get a the changing table that matches the set though.

On the way home to Austin, the baby was moving up a storm. I kept Francis's hand and putting it on the spot. Francis has only felt the baby move a couple of times, so feeling him move more than once in one sitting was very special. I think it is finally sinking in for him that he is going to be a dad. He still refuses to cut the umbilical cord though. It grosses him out.

8 days till we find out if it is little William or Hannah that is coming!

1 comment:

  1. Patrick said the same thing about cutting Kadence's cord all the way up until that time...then he changed his mind. :)
