September is in full swing at the Phillips house. We've had two weeks of CC now and start Bible Study next week. Hannah started skating lessons and the boys started foot ball practice. Hannah was hesitant at first but seems to be liking it so far. The boys are on the dame team and enjoy practicing in the evenings with Francis who is their assistance coach. We have been getting a lot of friend time too which has been good for kids and momma.
Weekend before last we had the big boys family party. The whole Noble and Phillips clan got together to celebrate with Ninjago, Pokemon, Star Wars and PJ masks (some of the boys favorite things). Thankfully we already had most of these decorations! I tried my hand at face painting and we played pin the tail on the Charizard. It was good to see everyone and get loved on by those we hold dear. Shout out to our family for driving to see us!
Back to our first day of CC. It was Hannah's first day in class. Her class is pretty even boys and girls (unlike William and Robert, who both have boy heavy classes). She was a little shy at first but by the end of the morning, she wanted to take a turn just like everyone else. She did her first presentation and shyly told everyone her name, age and that she loved ponies. Some kids won't speak at all the first time, so I was very happy she was brave enough to speak. The kids and I all had lunch together and then had recess. William is now in the "older" group when the kids split for recess (they trade playing outside and at the indoor playground), so he doesn't get to play with his siblings. It was an adjustment, but it wasn't long before all the kids had found a friend. We love our CC group. It's going to be a great year!
In my new job (with VIPKid) I have now taught 16 classes, and 10 of them were in the past 5 days. My morning schedule is becoming completely booked most days. I thought taking a week off last week (Francis was in DC and had the laptop) was going to ruin my momentum, but God is good and I'm making progress in getting students to both book and rebook me. So far my favorites are the littlest ones (4 years old), but I also like how older students are more able to hold a conversation in English. I could write a novel here about all my experiences so far, but overall I'm enjoying both the flexibility and the actual job. I have also found that I can find almost any prop to teach among my kids' gigantic store of toys. So rather than call them hoarders, I can now call them my resource center managers, haha. It's all about perspective.
This morning we went to the Lick creek nature center for a homeschool science lesson. It was fun and afterward Hannah got to play with her friend while the boys caught and identified bugs and spiders. A good time was had by all!
That's it for now. Till next time!
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