My last baby turned ONE on Saturday. I can't believe it. We celebrated first on Friday with friends at a splash pad with Shipley's donuts and a ton of water play. The donuts were great, and I'm now very popular with my kids' friends. Andrew loved the fountains and didn't seem to mind being sprayed in the face. Friday evening we went to movie night at church with pizza and popcorn. We watched How to Train you Dragon. It was a good last day as and 11 month old for Andrew.
Saturday we were up early, had breakfast and went to see Toy Story 4. Andrew slept through the first half, then woke up to eat popcorn and then hung out with Francis along the back side wall of the theater near the exit. He was very good as was the movie. We had lunch at one of Andre's favorite places: chick-fil-a. After eating, he got to go in the play area for the first time. He had a blast even though he didn't climb very high (to my relief). His siblings thought it was the best time and cheered him on. We went home for an afternoon rest and regroup. For Andrew's birthday dinner we went to a new baked pizza place in town (Howdy's) and he got a free shake that we were all able to share. We came home, sang, and had a (little) ice cream and cake. Andrew was a little confused at first, but after I had him taste the icing, he was all in! Over all it was a great first birthday. As I held him before he went to sleep, I thought back to how hard that day he was born had been. The following week was even harder and we've had trouble since then, but it's all been worth it. he is worth it and I'm so glad he is part of our family. We love you Andrew!
This week is the second week of swim lessons so our evenings have been spent at the pool. The kids have been learning and tonight they get to show that off and have some fun. In the mornings we have been home some with the exception of Bible Study Tuesday and a trip to the library on Wednesday. Last Wednesday they had a famous story teller come and do stories. This Wednesday they had the inflatable planetarium from Houston come so the kids could learn about constellations. My kids can now find many constellations, name them and find the north star.
Yesterday afternoon Andrew had his one year well check. He is 32 inches (which is even more off the charts long than he already was) with a big beautiful head that matches. He is just shy of 22 lbs and is just above average. So he's long an lean. He's met and exceeded all of his milestones. When the nurse asked is he was able to stand independently, he actually stood up and tried to walk off the exam table right on cue. He's talking quite a bit and lets his opinion about everything be known. He's currently contemplating how to climb out of the baby swing instead of taking a rest which he needs. If he would sleep better and drink out of a cup (he eats like a champ), we'd be batting 1000. I can't wait to see what this next year holds. I have a feeling there will be a lot of adventure.
We are coming up on my favorite week of the year: 4th of July week! The kids and I (and Francis for a few days too) will be up in Dallas playing with family. Please pray for safe travels and good weather.
Till next time!
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