Weekend before last we went with the Phillips clan to Blessington Farms for an afternoon of fall activities. The kids enjoyed some cousin time, and the weather was perfect. Andrew slept much of the time we were there, but when he awoke, he loved looking around at all the various activities going on. The top thing this year seemed to be the over-sized trikes. The boys loved "jailing" Uncle Chris and Hannah loved riding on her dad's and grandad's shoulders as the rode around. Abby also joined in the hoopla to the delight of all.
Sunday after church the kids dressed up and we attended the trick or treat event at the George Bush Library Museum. The kids toured the museum and got candy, eventually exiting the building to a bunch of booths and inflatables. After a ton of fun there, we went to our church for Fall Fest. Good food, many inflatable and carnival games were the order of the evening. It was an big and exhausting day, but I'm so glad we did it!
Last week we spent most of the week home. Hannah, Robert and Andrew all contracted Hand Foot and Mouth. William has had it before and so he spent much of the week ready to get out of the house. It was stormy and raining all Halloween and that coupled with sick kids meant we dressed up and had pizza and a "candy hunt" at home. Andrew looked cute in his Pilot costume and his Superman costume on Sunday as well. Thursday William and I went on a date just the two of us. Since he was healthy, it was natural his week should come first. we went out for gourmet ice cream and then I took him trick or treating. That may sound odd when you realize it was November 1st, but because everything got rained out the night before, many people posted on our nextdoor neighborhood site that they were giving out candy. We actually found a street that had games and inflatables in addition to candy. William loved wearing his Dusty costume and getting to hang out with me. I loved it too!!!
This week we have gotten back into routine. Monday afternoon the kids were able to attend Jude's birthday party at Urban Air. The party had the place to ourselves so the kids played while moms watched and chatted. It was a good time and the kids all slept GREAT! Tuesday was CC class and Hannah had dance. After dance I was able to take Robert out on a date with me. He chose to get ice cream (after William's endorsement, he had to have some!) and then we went shopping just the two of us around HEB. That may sound weird, but I've been doing grocery pick up since Andrew was born and Robert missed riding in the car shopping cart, looking at the toys, the buddy bucks machine, and the face to face time he had during that time. We had a blast looking through all the stuff and he picked out a book for himself and his siblings too. He's so thoughtful.
Yesterday we went on a field trip to Basecamp Farms where we learned about how they grow and harvest flowers. My kids had loads of questions (some more relevant than others). Hannah particularly loved smelling and looking at all the pretty flowers. She loves all things beautiful!
In Bible Study Robert presented one of his key verses to all the ladies with a small group of kids. I love how he is learning and loving God's word!
Duty calls. Till next time!
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