Friday before last was Parents' night out. Francis and I went to Casa do Brazil (a Brazilian steakhouse) for dinner to finally celebrate our 10 year anniversary over a month before. The food and company were top notch!
Saturday before last was a very special day. Francis's sister had a gender reveal party for the family and it's a BOY! This new nephew of mine has been long awaited and prayed for more than he will ever know. My heart delights in the Lord's goodness every time I think about it. WE love you miracle boy and cannot wait for February!
Sundays are busy due to church and AWANAS, but I get my only 1 on 1 time with Andrew on Sunday evenings. We have taken to doing grocery pick-up while he naps and then cuddle time (as I do all my other chores) when he wakes up. He is starting to be more and more interactive which makes me take breaks more and mroe each day for peek-a-boo and to tell him how completely adorable he is. He is growing so fast, and I hope that our Sunday evenings together can be a special bonding time.
Last Monday (and this one for that matter), we stayed home all day to do all the big schoolwork and relax. I am beginning to like this because it gets us off on the right foot for the week. The kids like it because it means they can stay in their pajamas all day. We are becoming that homeschool family, I'm afraid, lol. Last Tuesday we had CC and then dance and skating lessons in the evening. All the kids are making progress in their chosen activities. It is so fun to see how they grow and learn in things they enjoy! Wednesday is our usual library day and Thursday is Bible Study. I am still liking both and love that our routine includes reading books and studying God's word. I've been trying to pre-read William's books both so I can ask him questions about what he has read and so that I can screen them. His reading level and speed are advanced for his age and so finding books that are at his level and age maturity appropriate can sometimes be a challenge. He is loving fantasy books. I gave him a 250 page novel I had just finished at 7:30 last night and he finished it before he fell asleep at 10pm (later than he should have been up, mind you). He asked for the next book in the trilogy, and he was disappointed to find I hadn't started it yet.
Friday morning Hannah and I went to one of her friend's birthday party. The moms and daughters dressed up and went to a crepe place and a candy store next door. It was so fun! The boys got to hang our with the attending girls' brothers as a couple of the dad's volunteered to watch them while we were out. A good time was had by all and William even lost a front top tooth while there. He was drinking Gatorade and it came out in his drink. Robert didn't want to leave but he was glad we also had a Life Group (sunday school) class social Friday evening. It meant he could play with his friends twice in one day! It was a good old potluck and everyone had a blast. I love our class and how we are getting to know each other better.
Saturday Andrew turned 3 months. How did that happen?! He's rolling from front to back, has good control of his head most of the time, "talks" constantly, sleeps at night for a 5-7 hour stretch (which I didn't know was possible, lol), and is the joy of his brothers' and sister. He's expressive and smiles and laughts when he thinks things are funny. He is relaxed most of the time until he isn't...then the banshee scream will still make an appearance. I can't imagine life without him and am thankful for him. I love you Andrew!
Today it was our week off from CC and we made two trips to the Children's Museum. One to play and one to retrieve the special baby doll Hannah left behind. It was fine, but I'm glad to be home.
Till next time!
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