A whole month has passed since I last posted, and so much has happened it will not all fit in one post. A month ago the kids all graduated from their respective swim lessons (hooray!), and then we all went to a CC 3 day practicum. The kids attended camp and I got to learn all about Latin and its relation to the Classical Conversations model of education. It was fascinating. William attended Geodraw camp and learned to draw the world as a "blob map" and got pretty good at drawing the outline and countries of Africa. Robert and Hannah had a ton of fun at play camp and the nursery respectively. After the Saturday session, the kids and I took Francis out to an early Father's Day Dinner at Red Lobster. They sat us in our own room for some reason so it was quiet, and we really got to enjoy our food and time together. He had been gone from Monday evening until Friday so this was an especially sweet time. Sunday after church we had a quick Father's Day lunch with Francis at Freddie's before the kids and I headed to Dallas for the next few days. We arrived in time to have Father's Day dinner with my dad and the whole Noble crew. The kids got to play with their Drake cousins and also had a little time to swim before bed.
Monday morning, we headed across town from my parents' house to Prestonwood Baptist Church (where I grew up) and the boys got to attend Adventure Week (aka Vacation Bible School) there. Hannah, my mom, Danielle and I went and got a pedicure while the boys were gone. It was Hannah's first pedicure and she sat on my mom's lap and watched with fascination as they painted her toes "sparkle pink" with white polka dots. She loved every minute of it and was so proud of her feet when they were done. My back had been hurting so bad and the massage chairs there were just what I needed to take some of the edge off! We met Christian and her kids at the mall where we shopped and all had lunch after picking up the boys. That afternoon and evening, we all went swimming. My kids are regular little fish. Tuesday during Adventure Week, Hannah and I went to Play Street Museum by church and we had a fun time with just the two of us. She made some friends and especially loved playing with the baby dolls. After picking up the boys we met Danielle and Kevin at Studio Movie Grill for lunch and the Incredibles 2. The kids loved it, especially baby Jack Jack. Another round of swimming and fun with Papa was how we spent our evening. Wednesday while the boys were at camp, Hannah and I sopped at Target. We had a snack in their restaurant too. Hannah said it was the best day ever. I love that girl!
While in Dallas, I had been getting headaches that I realized corresponded with spikes in my pulse (thanks fitbit!). Thursday morning I was awoken around 3:30 with the worst headache yet. I checked my pulase and it was hovering around 150 (which is not normal. I waited and breathed. My pulse came down but the headache just hung around coming and going.
Thursday Hannah and I met up with Christian and her kids at Playstreet Museum. We had a very nice time despite my pain. My dad helped me pick up the boys from church so the kids and I could head home. I had a doctor's appointment at 4pm in College Station, so Francis met me in the Doctor's parking lot to trade cars and take the kids home. I was called back to my appointment and the nurse took my blood pressure. She didn't look at me or say anything. She asked another nurse to come take my blood pressure. After checking my blood pressure, that nurse just smiled strangely at me and took me to a waiting area saying she'd be back. After 30 minutes they took my blood pressure a third time and ushered me into an exam room. The doctor came in and asked me how I was. I said I hurt and that I couldn't shake the headache I was having. She told me I was going to the hospital to get some blood work done and that I was most likely going to have this baby tomorrow. I stared at her for a moment. What?
To be continued...
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