It's been a long couple of weeks. Some of it great and some of it less than stellar. Two Fridays ago was the last Junction (Parents' Night Out ) of the school year at church. Francis and I decided to have our Valentine's celebration that evening. We went to a swanky steak place in town (The Republic) and had delicious food and even better company. the kids had a great time at church too so it was a win for all. Saturday my in-laws, Abby and Cyndy came up and we played, ate and hung out. William and Abby both really like Uno, Robert loved puzzles and Hannah loves her princess toys, so everyone was very busy.
That week was our week off from CC which meant I was able to work on the next couple of weeks of tutoring. I'm glad I did it early because after coming home fro the library on Wednesday morning, I knew something wasn't right. I kept shrugging it off until late afternoon when it hit me like a freight train. I had a miserable night with a sore throat and was just sure it was strep. I went to the urgent care and while I tested negative for strep, I tested positive for Flu B. Ugh. So the rest of the week into Sunday evening was spent in isolation from Francis and the kids. Thankfully Francis was able to take a break from his studies and watch the kids or I don't know what we would have done. Sunday evening we celebrate William's half birthday with cake and singing. I was super weak but so glad I was able to see my kiddos again. the confinement paid off because it's been nearly a week and everyone else has so far remained healthy!
I can't say the same for our TV. Monday around lunch William threw a hanger into the TV while pretending it was a boomerang (we have a rule not to throw things in our house, sigh). The TV immediately broke beyond repair. It was slightly devastating to see. Our only consolation was that it was starting to get color lines on it and we would have to replace it anyway. We did manage to get a new TV for a good price, so Francis and I got a bonus Valentine's Day gift. William know he will likely be hearing about this for a while.
This Tuesday at CC we had our Valentine's parties and even played a fun Valentine's review game. The kids all exchanged Valentine's and it was s very enjoyable Tuesday. Wednesday was Valentine's Day. The kids woke up to small gifts, cards and candy waiting for them at the kitchen table. We had "cookies for breakfast" (Cookie Crisp cereal) and then made our weekly trip to the library. I made cheese fondue and BBQ meatballs for dinner (to appease every appetite) and then we had Creme Brulee for dessert. I got Francis ramekins and a culinary torch for Valentine's Day so he was super excited to get to use it right off the bat. My guy loves fire and cooking, so it was a prefect match. Overall a very good Valentines!
We've been watching all the Olympic games here. The kids are fascinated by all the different sports and are finding creative ways to recreate them. My favorite is watching them try to do the skating tricks/jumps while moving around on the tile in socks. It's pretty cute. The boys are loving the luge and skeleton in particular, as well as snowboarding. Hannah likes all the pretty skating costumes and kept yelling, "There's mommy and daddy!" through out the pairs skating. I'm glad she thinks I'm so coordinated.
William taught himself negative numbers this week. While sitting at the table he asked Robert "What is 8 minus 80?" Robert responded with "1 minus 1 is ZERO!" William nodded thoughtfully, "Good job Robert and I just realized eight minus eighty is negative seventy two." I nearly choked on my dinner. I asked him where he had heard of negative numbers and he responded with that he had heard about it fro daddy once. Francis doesn't recall this. Robert is also a math whiz. He's been doing single digit addition and subtraction in his head. He's not even 4 and a half, yet when asked 7-2 he doesn't hardly even hesitate before proudly yelling, "5!". Hannah is becoming increasingly articulate and complex in her expression. She's starting to sound much less like a toddler and much more like a little human. I was wearing a necklace yesterday. "Mommy, I like your necklace. Is it brand new?" I told her it was. "It is beautiful. May I touch it?" She's in love with jewelry and I can tell in the near future she will try to start borrowing mine.
Things here are getting back to normal. It took a few days to put back the house the way it was pre-sickness and I still have a ways to go. My strength is slowly returning, but even standing for a while at the children's museum made me weak and winded. Fortunately the kids have been very good for the most part. Hannah and Robert are becoming thick as thieves, finding new and creative ways to make messes. William joins them often too, but his love of reading sometimes calls him away from the play. I love how they all love each other and I can't wait to see how baby # 4 fits into this crazy mess. I'll be 20 weeks on Sunday. That went by fast!
Till next time!
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