It's been a quiet couple of weeks. We were sick for a week and didn't venture out except for necessities. The first real trip out we made was to Dallas that Saturday to go to Danielle's family shower. She got many wonderful wedding gifts and it was a wonderful time with family. Robert, who had been missing Japapa, got a special treat as he was there. Everything was beautiful thanks to my Aunt Bup and all in all it was a successful day trip!
Sunday was the AWANAS ceremony. Robert finished his first year as a cubbie and William finished his first year and first book as a spark. Both got awards and we were served lunch after the ceremony. I am so happy with how many scriptures they learned this year and how much they are holding them close to their hearts and minds. I hope these seeds will continue to grow today and always.
So, my kids couldn't take this whole "no school" thing. They officially made it a week and a half (one of those weeks being at Disney World) before begging me to get them more schoolwork. I bought them more stuff, and they've already devoured most of it. I wake up and they are already doing their work some mornings. Crazy kids! I actually went to the Community Homeschool Center for their curriculum sale today so I could get more stuff for cheap. I'm hoping the mountain of books I bought will last Robert through the year (probably not) and William at least until his new curriculum for first grade arrives.
Sunday was Mother's Day. To kick off the weekend, I was able to attend Mother-Son Date "knight" at our local Chick-fil-a. It was a fun night with my boys. They had a questionnaire where I asked them questions about me. The most surprising answers I got were to, "If mom had more time she would"... Robert said "write!" and William said, "read your Bible". My kids know me better than I thought! They had some funny answers too. The knight had crafts, balloon animals, music, and more. I'm thankful I was able to go. Sunday the kids did all they could to make it a good day. They had picked out special gifts (mostly chocolate and candy), gotten me breakfast and picked out flowers. It was nice to see them thinking of me so selflessly. I can see budding in them hearts to serve, and that filled me with joy.
Yesterday we went and renewed William and Francis's passports. Francis's cousin got engaged so we get the special suprise and pleasure of going to Canada in July. As Francis and William both had passports about to expire, this was an important step in our journey. The kids can't wait to see all of the crew from Canada again. I'm excited too!
Hannah is talking more all the time. She calls her brothers' names when she wants their attention. She can answer most any reasonable question accurately. She wants to pray at dinner time, and has "chats" with me where pretty much none of the words are real, but she's very enthusiastic. She is doing great with potty training and only has an occasional accident when I forget to ask her if she needs to go. As she's only 21 months, I'll take it. She loves her baby dolls and carries them around or pushes them in the stroller most of the time. It's super cute. She's also getting pretty goo at sharing. As long as we tell her how long her turn is and count down at the end, she willingly hands over the toy 99% of the time. She is also good at waiting her turn. With three kiddos around, everyone has to wait sometime!
Robert has shocked me with how good he is at math. I bought a kindergarten math book for him to do this summer thinking we would do it together, but he's finished it basically working by himself in less than a week. I learned he can write all his numbers, consistently count one to one correspondence, add 1 and subtract 1, and do so many other things. He also can recognize and write most if not all of his letters. Not bad for a 3 year old! He and William will be in my class for CC next year (I'm teaching, whew!). I'm excited to see what this next year will hold.
I bought a first grade math skills book for William to do (he did kindergarten last year, but first grade math) thinking he could fill in any skills he might have missed. He also finished it in a week (instead of all summer), and taught himself 2 digit addition and subtraction in the process. It was only supposed to be an intro to it, but he ran with it an is applying it to his life (mainly with adding an subtracting different pokemon's HP). He has also decided with his upcoming trip that he is going to learn French. He's been working hard these past few days, and is making some progress, much to Francis's delight. I do hope his enthusiasm holds. If he will learn then maybe I can practice with him instead of Francis who had a silly grin whenever I try! William has also started learning cursive. He's way better at it than he's ever been at print and likes it way more. We will try to do his work in cursive next year to see if it makes it less of a struggle. Wish me luck!
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