Last weekend all 5 of us traveled up to Dallas for a wonderful weekend. After celebrating my Dad's birthday Friday night with the whole family (including my Aunt Camille) at Uncle Julio's, we headed back to my parents' house and opened presents and had cake. Saturday we all (the 5 of us, my parents, Christian and her family, Danielle, Kevin, Aunt Camille, and Francis's parents) all went to see Gift of Christmas at Prestonwood. I have always been in the show, so seeing it from front of house was exciting. Hannah was able to go to the nursery, but the boys watched in wonder as the amazing sounds and sight of Christmas came to life on stage. Their was santa flying in his sleigh, all manner of dancing and singing toys, a winter wonderland, black light displays, cool special effects, and of course, the Christmas story. The last was my favorite. They had flying angels, wise men with their entourage of people and animals, and a cast of so many carrying candles into the auditorium. All of this for one purpose, to see the newborn king. It was powerful. Thank you Lord for sending salvation. thank you for loving us.
Sunday was a long day as we left after church and yet still had to get back for AWANAS. I think it was worth it though. We've been trying to keep it low key this week since the next 10 days starting tomorrow will be nuts. Tuesday we stayed home until the afternoon and then went to the Library. Laura met us there and helped the boys make gifts for me (they were having a craft/gift making event) while I helped Hannah make a couple of things. the sweet boys have been begging to get me something for Christmas without me seeing it. They are super excited to have stuff under the tree from them to me that's a surprise (I help them with making their other gifts). Thanks Laura for giving them that opportunity! The kids and I met up with Francis and our small group at Rudy's for dinner and then toured the lights at Central Park as a group. It was so fun and I'm so glad we were able to do it.
Yesterday I awoke with a terrible headache. The kids and I managed to stay in our pajamas all day. By the evening I was feeling somewhat better, so Francis took us out to look at Christmas lights. I told the kids to go get ready and they all returned in full costume (Pikachu, Transformer, and Elsa respectively). It was kind of adorable and we weren't getting out of the car, so we loaded in the car and went out. That's what I call making memories.
Today we have been preparing to head out for Christmas. I got the car washed/waxed/vacuumed and we are mostly packed. I am also attempting to get the house in a state where I won't curse myself when I get back. So far, so good. You like;y won't hear from me until after Christmas. My mother, sisters and I are taking a long weekend trip to Disney World and then Christmas will be nearly upon us.
So, Merry Christmas! May his joy fill your spirit with gladness. If you don't know Jesus and want to know why I call him my Savior, I would love to talk to you. Just let me know.
Till next time!
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