It's been a weird week at our house. Robert and I have both made a trip to the doctor and are on anitbiotics. I think we are both on the mend though.
Last Saturday was my father-in-law's birthday. We celebrated by meeing up with my in-laws, Cyndy, Chris and Abby in Houston to take family pictures and go to Blessington Farms (a local pumpkin patch and playland). The kids had a blast doing all the activities and overall, the day was warm and wonderful. I've got a great father-in-law, in case there was any question. He really loves his kids and grandkids and we really love him too.
William has been making leaps and bounds when it comes to reading, writing, math and well all things academic. He's reading books to me and writing "books" (sentences) like it's just natural. He's memorized the books of the Bible all on his own (I got that surprise on Tuesday) and is remembering his CC work like a pro. With all of this new found knowledge is also coming a boldness that I am having trouble with. Pray for me as I teach him how to be respectful and yet honest, confident but not arrogant. It's a delicate balance.
Robert is also learning so much. He has down his letters and numbers and is even writing a few when it suits him. We are currently working on him writing his name. He also learns the CC memory work just because he wants to and is probably the only 3 year old around who goes around singing in Latin for fun. Seriously, the other night at dinner, the boys were belting it out in Latin just for kicks. I love my nerdy family. Robert has discovered lying. He's done it a few times this week, and is not liking the consequences. I'll give it to him that he's persistent, even when I know he's lying he sticks to his guns. Only when he is punished does he come out with the truth. I'm hoping after he misses his TV show today, that he will realize the truth is a much better option. If not, pray for me as we teach him the value of your words being truthful and believable.
Hannah is growing like crazy. She understands what is going on and is sharp as a tack. Francis and I were talking about doing a family walk the other night and I turned around and Hannah was holding up her shoes to me. If I tell her to clean up, she does (if it suits her) and she is very good at answering yes or no questions accurately. We had a mommy/Hannah date at a local church Fall Fest Sunday evening while the boys were at AWANAS with Francis. She had a little trouble at first with putting the candy in the bucket, but she quickly caught on as she played each game with her own twist. She bobbed for apples with her hands and spent the next 6 or seven games playing one handed while she ate the apple. She kept this up until she decorated a cookie and took a bite. Hannah quickly set down the apple and went two-fisted for the cookie. Smart girl. She too has been pushing the limits this week, mostly with doing something after I say no.
I haven't been feeling well and perhaps that's why my kids have been pushing boundaries. Hopefully I will feel back to 100% soon, and things will return to a better normal!
Till next time!
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