The Batman dynasty has ended it's unchallenged reign. Thanks to an influx of cute clothing from Nana as well as pulling out all of William's old 3T clothing, Robert has managed not to wear batman shirts 3 whole days this week. He still prefers batman (even batman socks, shoes and underwear if he can swing it), but he has softened a bit and chosen other things to wear. To say I'm relived is an understatement. I like that he wants to wear Batman, but I don't miss the meltdowns that were occuring once he had worn all of his Batman clothes. It's the beginning of a new era.
It's been a busy week. Last Saturday after running morning errands, Francis, the kids and I decided to check out a local public pool called Adamson Lagoon. They have a large pool with lily pads you can jump across, a few slides and a kid area with a shallow pool. It was so fun! Even when applying sunscreen more than once, we all got burned. But the kids had too much fun to care. Robert would not go down one of the slides, so I sent him down kicking and screaming. After a big show at the bottom of what a horrible mom I am, he was begging to go on it again less than 5 minutes later. He went on it non-stop for the next hour. Go figure. At the end of the day I said to Francis, "I'm glad we got our money's worth, because it will be a while before we get to come back." God must have laughed right then and there.
At church the next day in the bulletin was an announcement that that evening the church was hosting a free event at Adamson Lagoon. Sooo... since the kids all took a nap, we went! It was later than we were normally out, but it was so fun and I'm glad we went. The kids sure love the water!
Monday was grocer shopping day. We are still doing school in the afternoons and some days run more smoothly than others. Tuesday we went to the Library for a "Dough Show" sponsored by dominoes. I thought it would be an educational event, and it was at first. The lady talked about the ingredients in dough and how they prepare it, then she started kneading the dough in front of her and tossing it. Without much warning she smiled and said, "oops!" and tossed it into the audiesce. The next 30 minutes consisted of her and others tossing pizza dough into the audience for the kids to play with. Then they took volunteers and let them try their hand at pizza throwing. William was chosen and at the end he threw his dough to Robert. Both were very pleased. Hannah wandered all over, but had a great time also. At the end, everyone was served fresh pizza. It was very good. Overall a successful day! Tuesday was also Francis and my 8th anniversary. To say we are not gift givers (as in it is not our love language) is putting it mildly, BUT Francis actually got me a gift before our anniversary for the first time ever. I got him a gift too, in fact. We might be getting better at this anniversary thing. I got a new carpet cleaner! Yeah, we needed it. We did get each other cards and we went out with the kids to Paolo's for an Italian dinner. 8 years have gone so fast, and I am so thankful for the man that I get to call my husband. I love you, Francis!
Wednesday and Thursday I let each of the boys choose what to do as this is our "off" week. Wednesday Robert chose to "stay home" except for going to the library to check out new books. It was a nice quiet, relazing day. William on the other hand chose the Children's museum. Shortly after we arrived, William says, "Mommy, I think that's a huge baseball." I turn around and sure enough there is "Kaboom" the Brazon Valley Bombers Baseball team mascot along with two of the team players. They hosted story time and both the boys were so excited to have the players read to them, get their autographs and take a picture with Kaboom. Kaboom stuck around to play with the kids and William and Robert enjoyed a game of tag with him. Super cute! Just as we were about to leave, they make an announcement that their are snakes and lizards in the red room if anyone wants to hold them. The boys and Hannah go running and spent the next hour holding and petting all sorts of snakes and lizards. Hannah was more interested in watching, but the boys held everything they could.
Thursday afternoon Francis came home to watch the kids so I could go to two doctor's appointments in peace. It was nice to have an afternoon that was quiet, and to make some progress on what's been going on with me lately. Thank you Francis. You are a keeper!
Today we went out a splash pad with the Jones girls and their mom Robin. Now that Hannah is walking more, I was able to stand in the shade and not follow her around constantly. That was nice.
That's all for now!
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