It's been a busy week. Summer is in full swing. I had to do my grocery shopping Sunday afternoon because Monday morning the kids and I went with a bunch of friend to take a tour of Blue Baker (a restaurant in town). The kids were all able to see the ingredients, see bread being mixed, kneeded, pulled, and baked, take a look in the freezer, and then they got to make their own bread. William and Robert had slightly different techniques (mean mommy didn't let Hannah make one and eat the raw dough). Robert put in a couple of the toppings in his bread (they were raisins, cranberries and two types of chocolate chips), and then he would eat a a few more in and then eat a few. William dumped all of the toppings in and kneaded them in as much as he could. When some still wouldn't fit, I told him to each them and he reluctantly did. It was fun to watch. Blue Baker baked the bread that afternoon and Francis picked it up on his way home. It was DELICIOUS! Those boys can bake for me any time!
In addition to Bible Study on Tuesday, library Wednesday and Preschool camp today (where Hannah and I got some girl time), I have been working on getting William's school ready. I am pretty much done and very proud of the result. God's provision is amazing. When we bought this house I wondered why it had such a huge laundry room (seriously, you could fit a bed in there and still have room to walk), including a huge built in table on which to fold clothes. I have now converted the table area into a desk and classroom for William. And it's perfect. Even with it all set up I still have plenty of room to do laundry, and if I need to, we don't have to put everything away each day like we would at the dinner table. God knew my need beforehand. It so amazing to see His hand at work. The curriculum came in Monday night and Tuesday. Upon seeing it, William immediately wanted to start. Sooo...we did. We are now on day three of Kindergarten. I figure it will allow us to go slower if we need to or to take more time off around Thanksgiving/Christmas or I guess we'll finish early. We'll see! William is loving his school work so far and Hannah and Robert have cooperated thus far. It makes me excited!
Hannah's birthday is Sunday. I have used the decorations from her party to decorate the house here. I try to embrace every moment of her babyhood because she is quickly becoming a toddler. She walks everywhere now with rare exception. She gets into everything and it enjoying the "discover and demolish" method of exploration. I love her so much and her smile is worth so much to me. She's a tough cookie too! We went to family movie night at church on Friday. At the end of the movie, I looked at Hannah (who I had been sitting on the floor with and letting her play) had both a black eye and a chipped tooth! She didn't cry and neither I nor anyone around me knew what happened. If I had to guess, I'd say she fell onto one of the chair legs around us, but who knows? Crazy!
Robert has grown over the past couple of weeks again. Every time I turn around, he seems to be taller, more articulate and more inventive. He still always has that same smile, and it is so heart warming when it's directed my way. He still wants to be held or be touching me all the time so some things don't change quite so quickly. I probably miss it when they do though. He's been loving on his sister a lot lately, and it is fun to see their relationship grow. There's a lot of hugging in this house, but none more than when Francis gets home. When we hear that door, we all run for the door to see who can get there first and we all catch him up in one huge family hug. Even Hannah races for the door and calls for dada until she arrives. I am thankful for this (now) tradition and hope it continues for a long time. I love it!
I think that's all for now.
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