Baby girl is growing like crazy. She is starting to pull up on things, is moving around the house quicker and starting to self-feed like a champ. I'm so thankful for my Hannah, and the boys are enjoying having her be more active in their play. They aren't huge fans of her taking their toys, but have been quick to forgive and find a way to include her. I thank God for their love and generosity.
My in-laws came to visit on Saturday. We hadn't seen them since early January, and so the kids were over the moon excited. Bonus! Abby, Cyndy and Chris came into town too for a few hours. I tell you, you'd have though my kids had won the lottery, they had so much fun. I think it was good for all involved. Few things warm the heart like family and laughter, and we had plenty of both. this is another thing for which I happily thank God.
We pushed the boys beds together last night in an attempt to keep them in their bed and not in ours. They both say they get lonely at night (William has terrible dreams and Robert roams the house at night), and we are hoping this helps the problem. Chances of success are low, but you never know! If there is an opposite to the napping house, we are it. Someday we will sleep, so I'm trying to enjoy all the good infanthood/toddlerhood/preschool has to offer while embracing the exhaustion. It is quite an adventure!
This week has been a little rough for me in terms of my joints. I have a joint condition, but usually I don't notice it unless I try to go bowling or step funny. This week it's like the air pressure has been different or something, because all my joints hurt. Not sure what's going on, but it is welcome to stop at any time!
MOMS this morning was about intimacy. I guess that is how you know it's February: everything is about love. Tonight we have a party with our small group and Sunday we have the Super Bowl party with our Bible Life class. We are regular little socialites, haha. Ok not really, but I am enjoying getting to know people in our church as we are living life in College Station.
Till next time!
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