We seem to be adjusting to the new year ok. I'm ready for things to start up again though. I like having a schedule.
Hannah and I were sick the past couple of days, but are doing better now. Francis took some of each day to work and do his research from home so I could get some rest. It's hard to be waylaid, but I needed to stop and regroup and recuperate. Thanks honey. Yesterday morning while I was feeding the dogs, William sprayed Robert in the face with Shout (the stain pretreater) that I was using while doing laundry. We spent the rest of the day flushing out Robert's eyes (he kept rubbing them) and even made a call to poison control. Finally after a good long flushing (the 4th time) and making him not rub it for an hour, his eye started looking better. Yeah, yesterday was rough.
Hannah is sitting up more and more, talking more and more, making sure you pay attention to her, grabbing things with greater accuracy, eating as much table food as she can get her hands on (but baby food is not so desirable), mastering the walker, standing holding onto my fingers, and getting around by a combination of rolling and dragging herself with her arms. she is keeping us on our toes! the boys are so kind and patient with her (she has ruined a couple of their things on accident). They do things to make her laugh and try to include her in their games when possible. Mostly she likes to watch them play and the love to have her watch. Such happy kids, these three.
Robert is in underwear all the time except overnight. He is doing great. I think he's had one accident all week and that was somewhat my fault. He even went twice for his teachers on Sunday. They and we were both very excited and Robert was very proud of himself. His favorite thing to do right now is pretend to be Yoda and hold a small green light-saber belonging to one of the Mr. Potato Heads. It's super cute and his imagination is fun to watch. William plays the "bad guy" and they have mini duels. Someone is bound to get hurt eventually, but for now they having a ball.
William had his first ice skating lesson last night. We got a deal on 8 lessons and William is super excited to learn how to move like daddy. Francis said he did great. He learned to stand up from sitting on the ice and moved along the ice on a dotted line. Francis said he was miles ahead of where the other kids are and took tons of pictures. He was one proud dad, to say the least. Hockey here we come!
I am attending a meeting on Friday the 22nd called Homeschooling 101. Pray that I would have direction on if this is where God is leading us for school next year (and if not, where we are supposed to be). Thank you in advance.
That's all for now. The fun never stops around here and I must re-enter the fray!
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