Time is going so fast it's hard to keep track. How is it November already. And how am I about to turn 30 in a few short weeks?!?
As we are on a tight budget, I've been looking into ways I can make a little extra money to help offset Christmas and other bills. As a result I qualified for a research study on Cocoa Puffs (random I know). As I signed in to do the interview via webcam, my phone tells me I'm under a tornado warning. I look and see where the tornado is. It's miles away and not heading my direction. The lady comes up on the screen and I say, "I just want to let you know I'm under a tornado warning, but it's going north of me so we're good." She pauses, looking panicked and asks if I'm sure. "yeah," I respond, "I just wanted you to know in case I have to go suddenly." She laughed nervously and siad this was a first for her. I guess I made an impression!
My in-laws came in town last Saturday for Halloween. Oh how I love them. God has gifted me with the bast second-set of parents I could desire. I thank God for them daily. We played around the house in the morning before having lunch at Chick-fil-a. We ran into Dave and his kids as well as Audrey Brower (Tracy was at a wedding shower), and had the best time chatting and catching up. After lunch Francis, his dad and the boys went to Best Buy while Hannah, Frankie's mom and I went to Hobby Lobby and Toys R Us. We shopped and laughed and then all convened back at the house for some train time. We set up a large train track and the kids (and adults) enjoyed running the trains across it. It was getting later, so we got the kids dresssed in costumes and went to the mall. I'm not big on trick or treating (I'm not much for Halloween at all) so this was a good medium. The mall was crazy busy and store were handing out all types of goodies, so we got out in 30 minutes with a bag full of stuff each. The boys were satisfied and so we met up with Francis and his dad (who were working on the computer) and had dinner at BJs. The boys were still in their costumes and it was kinda cute to see my Captain America (William) and Iron Man (Robert) sitting across from me. Hannah did not wear her flower costume much at all; it was a little hot. My in-laws came back and helped put the kids to bed before heading out. It was one of the best days we've had in a long time.
Hannah is starting to sit up on her own. I can put her in the supported sitter thing we have and she sits up and watched us with great interest. I did that while sorting laundry yesterday and she loved it. So big! I mostly put her in some variation of pink or pastel color and tell her what a sweet girl she is. William also dotes on her, and it's cute. Today though was downright hilarious. After breakfast William was talking to Hannah, "When did you become a little lady?" he asked her. I smiled, but Hannah grunted and let out a poop-fart that (I kid you not) reverberated off the walls and echoed through the house. The boys doubled over in laughter for a long time and William exclaimed with delight, "She's a lady alrught!" Not sure what he thinks a lady is...
Robert is growing up and his imagintive play is exploding. As I type he is using star wars figurings and having an epic battle. It's amazing to see his mind work. William is enjoying the perks of being 4 years old, but not always loving being "grown up". He wishes he could fit in the baby gear and wants to be rocked to sleep again. We humor him as much as we can; we want him to hold onto his childhood as long as possible.
That's all for now!
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