Francis is still enjoying school though he has not had his first test. He says he is anxious about getting the first one out of the way. I know he will do great when the time comes!
Robert had his 2 year check up on Friday. He has gained 5 lbs 2 oz and 4 inches in the past year. He's getting so big. He has more than 50 words (I stopped counting after about an hour), he can jump, communicate, plays cooperatively with others, and met all the requirements for his age group. I'm so proud of him! Funny thing happened in the doctor office. The flu shots for this year are in and they have the ones that you squirt up the nose for kids. William did not want any shots after his traumatic experience with them the week before, so he started to wail and cry as soon as they were even mentioned. We finally calmed him down after saying Robert would go fist (telling him it wasn't actually a shot didn't help). Robert got mad that we wanted him to be still so we could give him the vaccination so he started yelling and crying at us before he even got it. William, who had finally calmed, redoubled his efforts with a loud, "THIS IS WHAT I WAS AFRAID OF!", not realizing Robert hadn't had anything yet. So the nurse and I held down both boys quickly, squirted the stuff up their nose and released them. Robert got off the table, indignant but calm. William cried for about 30 seconds longer and then stopped suddenly. He said, "Mom, that didn't hurt!" I said, "so you were crying for nothing." He smiled big as day and responded with a chipper, "Yep!" and then spent the next few seconds laughing. That kid!!! Oh, and best part? Hannah slept through it all.
Hannah will be 2 months on Thursday. She has a lot of head control, cand lift her head while on her tummy, social smiles, coos and makes noises, grabs objects handed to her and LOVES her momma. I don't want the newborn phase to end, but she is definitely more of a baby now. I love her!
We finally have no boxes out in our house. I would say that makes us officially unpacked! We still have work to do, but this particular item is a source of satifaction and relief. yay!
William is loving his school work. He is already half way through one of his books and nearly half way through the other 2. At this rate we will be done in late october/early November with his entire year's worth of work. He never wants to stop. Robert also wants to do school work now. He sees William pull out his stuff and then goes and grabs crayons and paper and brings them to his seat so they can both work at the same time. I've been finding little activities for Robert to do, and he loves being a big boy with "schoo" to do too! My kids love learning.
We had some wonderful visitors yesterday. Angel drove up with Ranger and Asher to visit us. William, Ranger, and Robert spent the morning playing and laughing, while the babies and mommies chatted up a storm. Asher and Hannah got along just great. They are both pretty easy going, and seeing them notice each other for the first time was just too cute. Seeing Angel made my heart so happy. She's one of those people with whom my time is always well spent. If only I could do it more often! When it was nearly time for them to leave, I heard rushing water in my bathroom. I ran in there to find Robert in the bathtub splashing in water with poop all around him and two Big boys who were laughing their heads off as they turned the water on and off. "Robert needed a bath" they said. We cleaned up the mess, changed Robert's soaked, dirty diaper, and the boys were told what they did wrong. The whole thing was funny in the long run. Oh boys! What will they come up with next?
I actually managed to get all three kids down for a nap today, which is one more reason I am liking Tuesday Bible Study: it tired them out. But seriously, I love that I am getting to spend time with ladies of all ages and background and learn about what living like and for Christ means.
I suppose that's it for now!
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