Today is a big day.William is four years old today. I still can't process that. Where did that time go? William knows it's his birthday and he's milking it for all it's worth. Smart boy. We just got back from having birthday slushies at Sonic. $2 for all three of us (the boys and I) to get drinks. totally worth it. William has grown into a true boy. He's no longer a baby. He's tall, and very articulate. He's kind, loyal and loves his friends and family. And we love him. William is curious and a fast learners, often quoting things like his favorite show Wild Kratts. This is his last birthday in this house before we move on Saturday. You read that right. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Friday was Francis's last day of paternity leave. We spent the morning taking the boys to their first dentist appointments. They passed with flying colors. We had lunch at Phil's grill and just enjoyed being a family. After nap Francis took the boys to the new Bass pro shop. They had fun, and I was able to do some packing in peace. I miss Francis not being here this week. We had gotten so used to having him around and he's great company.
Saturday was William and Robert had their fourth and second birthday party. They had a joint party since we won't be here in September. We had the party at the Little Gym. Over 50 people attended. It was a full house. All the family was there including my dad's parents and sister. I couldn't have done it without my mother in law running errands with me that morning, but everything turned out perfectly. I stood there during the party reflecting on how blessed we have been here in Austin to be so loved. My heart overflowed and I cried as I watched all the kids and adults I've come to know and value over these past 5 years. If I could've bottled that feeling, I know it would've sold for a million dollars a bottle. Thank you to all who came out. Your presence was felt.
I am going to take a moment to update you on Hannah. She's doing great. I had to take her to the doctor today for some eye gunk (no big deal) and she weighs 8 lbs 10 oz. Now. that's a pound over birth weight in less than 3 weeks. She's growing strong. She holds up her head for a second or two at a time, is generally content and still sleeps a lot. I'm getting enough sleep but less than I'd prefer. Oh and her umbilical cord fell off list night. She's looking less like the newborn I brought home and more like a baby. I can't wait to see what's next. I neglected to mention a funny story from church last week. Anyone who had been reading my blog for long enough will remember that Robert's first visit to church included poop that went all over me, the table and the floor. Well Hannah takes after her brother. No sooner had we entered the EXACT SAME CLASSROOM than Hannah pooped out of her diaper and alll over me, the table I was standing by and the floor. It's the only diaper she's pooped out of. Way to go Hannah.
Robert is doing great too other than he currently has a double ear infection. He doesn't talk much but not because he can't. A few days ago he wanted something from the kitchen. Me: What do you want? Robert: Juice. Me: You want juice? (I reach for the orange juice). Robert: no dat one. Dat! (pointing). Me: oh, this one (grabbing the correct juice). Robert: yess, tanks......I usually only ever get grunts out of this kid unless I make him talk. He's a stinker.
This Sunday was our last Sunday at Great Hills Baptist Church. I will miss it dearly. I cried leaving the building. Our Bible Life class prayed over us, and it hit me so hard that I wont see them each week anymore. I tried to soak in every moment. God moves among those people and they have helped me to grow. Great Hills has left an imprint on my heart that will never leave. William told all his friends goodbye. He was so excited about looking forward that he wasn't sad at all. It made it all little easier on me.
My first two days flying solo have been fine. I've hardly had to break stride which is amazing. God is so good! I've done grocery shopping and The Little Gym, and a dr appointment. Busy 2 days!
I cried today leaving The Little Gym for the last time. We were the first people in the door when they opened and my kids have grown up learning gymnastic skills. Our time there has been full of learning.
And now for the answer you are waiting for. Where are we moving? College Station! After praying and preparing beginning last October, God has led us to this point. Francis is returning to school to finish his doctorate in Aerospace Engineering. I am both excited and sad. Excited for the future and sad to leave. I'm still processing each "last" and I don't do change well. We've had a lot of change in the past month. We bought a house in College Station, had a baby and are about to move. We close on our house here in Austin on Monday. Francis turned in his 2 week notice yesterday (he will be staying his last week in a hotel in Austin while we are in college station). His boss took it well since Francis is going back to school. Please pray for us in this time of transition. We are nuts. But we know we are following God's plan. We'd rather be in his will than anywhere else, but it's so hard to leave.
If you are in Austin, know how much we love you and we hope to see you even after we leave. Thank you for helping this feel like home. It means more than you'll ever know.
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