Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015

This past week has flown by. Not sure what I did with it, but life here is never dull.

I met my new Dr. She's nice, young (aka only had 3.5 years experience after her residency), and I like her. She seems to be a bit intimidated by me and the fact I have already had two years. She kept deferring to me as the "expert" which was kind but also a little unnerving. Not sure how to explain it, but I do want to feel like my doctor is the expert. I'm sure she will do a great job delivering PS3 (phillips 3) here in July, so we are good to go!

Robert has yet again astounded me by his use of language only when it suits him. He has to really want it in order to speak. Otherwise he just whines or screams to get his wish. This week I have hear him say, "cookie", "chip", "popcorn", and "more more more more". I am noticing that he really likes food. He does get upset when I say, "no". He has also said, "dance" and started dancing, wanting me to join in. I love this kid. He's as cute as can be. He's becoming more independent. We went to Mt. Playmore today and he spent a good 30 minutes climbing independently around the play structure. William followed him for a bit, but found one of his friends from the Little Gym and took off. So Robert went around by himself until he made his own friend. Then she and he were inseparable even until we left. It's fun to see these kids turn into little people who interact with others. I'm so glad I'm along for the ride.

Well, it finally happened. Not sure if I should even broach this subject, but I'm going to. William has started to pee standing up. I don't even know what to do with that. He's tall enough (when did that happen!?) and he realizes it is much faster. On his half birthday last week (the 10th), he actually used a urinal for the first time. Where has my baby gone?! Ok, I'll leave it there, so I won't gross you out further, but I am having a bit of a crisis at how big he's gotten. So there you go.

Valentine's Day was a success. The boys woke up and we opened cards and each boy got a small gift. I got flowers and a blue tooth so I can now drive and legally talk on the phone. We had a special breakfast and then shot off model rockets at a local park. We had lunch at BJs, then came back for a rest. We then went and had the cars washed and detailed before coming back to cook some delicious steak and have a family movie (The Lion King). It was so fun! Francis and I had our night out last Friday at Maggiano's, so I am glad we got the day with our boys. 

Francis had Monday off. He took William skating in the afternoon, after taking all of us out for lunch at Chick-fil-a. William had greatly improved in his ability according to Francis, gaining a lot of control of his feet. William still loves skating, and Francis loves taking him. A match made in heaven. 

Monday night we did something that the planner in me thought would never happen. We booked a trip. We leave in 10 days. Why so short? We wanted to take a baby-moon, and then realized that I cannot be on a boat after 24 weeks (a date that is rapidly approaching), and so we booked a cruise for the first week of March. Crazy, but we did want to avoid the spring break crowd.  We are taking the boys. We will be going to Cozumel, Roatan, and Belize city. Three countries to add to the boy's list and two countries to add to Francis's. I am so excited! Now to get everything else ready before we leave. I panic a little when I think about it, but I know it will all work out. The timing was just too perfect (we put the room on hold just moments before the "sold out" sign came up for that cruise), and we know we just need to take a break and spend time as a family. William is so excited. He's excited about everything, but especially the desserts. Don't ask me why. He just wanted to make sure there would be dessert on board and that he could have some. If you keep us in your prayers, please pray this would be a time to relax and recuperate before everything ramps up again. 

Exterminator is here right now. He is doing another round of treatment. He opened the garage and said, "there's the smell off death" and is now checking the traps, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. We'll see! 

That's all for now.  

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