First, a funny story from a few weeks ago that I don't think I've told:
I was talking to William and he told me someday he was going to grow up. I asked him if he was going to get married and he responded, "yes." I asked what she would be like and he responded, "I don't know what her name is, but she will wear a sparkle dress." "Like a princess?" I asked. "Yeah, mommy, I'm going to marry a princess." I smiled and asked sweetly, "What are you going to call this princess of yours?" William didn't miss a beat, "I'm not going to call her my love like Daddy calls you. I'm going to call her BOOGERHEAD!" I tried not to laugh but it was just too cute. A little while later when I was telling the story someone asked William what his princess was going to call him. He gave the only logical response, "Booger goose!" So there you have it. I now pronounce you Mrs Princess Boogerhead and Mr. Booger Goose. Hehe, William has since relented and said he will in fact call his princess "My Love", but the first name has stuck.
This week has been relatively quiet. We celebrated our little family's Christmas on Saturday as we didn't want to take gifts back and forth, plus we thought it would be nice to have some traditions of our own. The boys went with Francis to Home Depot and made Christmas lawn ornaments while I set up their "big gifts" at home. When the boys arrived back, there were two huge objects with sheets over them. On three they opened them and were thrilled to find a work bench with working tools for William and a kitchen with all manner of pots, pans and food for Robert. The boys played for over an hour without pause before we had lunch and took a nap. After nap, more playing with their new toys. Then we made and decorated a gingerbread house as a family. While not Pinterest worthy. I am proud that we were able to complete something as a team. It's special to me. We finished off the day with dinner out and going to look at Christmas lights. There is a house nearby that has an amazing light display complete with singing and dancing Beatles (band), Elvis, Olaf and Grinch. We watched for over 30 minutes as the boys laughed and got covered in fake snow bubbles. Then we drove around the neighborhood and watched Christmas lights. The boys didn't want to stop, but eventually they passed out and we headed home. Robert loved the lights and did whatever he could to climb out of the car as we drove around. He smiled and cooed and laughed the whole time. It was a great day!
Tuesday we had ladies night at the house. Francis and the boys hid upstairs, and the ladies had fondue and watched White Christmas. It was so fun! We may try fondue with the boys this weekend. We'll see! Yesterday William's friend Ranger was over here for 3 hours while his mom was at her dr appt. The boys had their own "fondue" party with BBQ sauce and Rudolph. It was super cute and the boys had an absolute blast!
Today was our last Bible Study this year at the Quarries. The older kids put on a little concert at the end which was completely adorable. And William actually sang this year! No "do do do dos" for this kid. He did the motions, sang, and smiled to boot. Future choir member in the making right there!
Robert has taken quite a liking to our Christmas tree. When we first put it up, he kept taking off ornaments and running with them. I have since loosely placed a few ornaments such that when he touches a branch, the loose ornament will fall off, distracting him long enough for me to come over and monitor. I'm no so worried about the tree as I am that he may try to pull it over on himself. He's doing better with gentle touches, but he and the tree are becoming quite close. I think he may have a fit when we take it down. Hopefully he'll be too distracted with new toys to notice! Till next time!
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