My little Robert is becoming more of a big boy all the time. For starters, two more molars came in this week, bringing his total to 12 teeth! He's gotten good at running and pivoting, then running a different directions. Oh, and as a result, his new favorite game is chase. He'll go somewhere he knows he shouldn't be, wait for me to show up and as soon as he catches sight of me he will run away and giggle until I sweep him up into my arms. We play this game at least a dozen times a day. He's also getting better at talking and communication. He is also becoming and expert climber. He has now climbed on the couch, and William's bed with no assistance and was very delighted with himself. In fact we played "escape the vacuum" (a game I made up so I could vacuum without interference) in which the boys run into a room and climb up on whatever they can find so the vacuum can't get them. It was a ton of laughs and I was actually able to clean. Win! Robert is handing me object and learning to share, though taking turns is still confusing and frustrating to him. He's mostly smiles and his teachers call him an absolute delight. And bonus! He's sleeping through the nights most nights. No complaints here!
William is growing too. He is hiding God's word in his heart. He can't read enough and the Bible is no exception. He loves AWANAS and learns his verses and keeps them from week to week. He had about 30 sight words he can read (that I know of) including and, the, go, up, no, yes, stop, dog, do, you, if, a, I, Mom, Dad, Robert....the list goes on. He also reads random words without any context such that I really do wonder how much he reads. He read "koalas" off a sign and asked where they were and could we follow the arrow. He also found some trash in our yard and said, "mommy, why is there trash that says 'wing stop' in our yard?". He might have recognized the logo but he spelled both words for me later, so I'm not sure. His imagination is his friend. William tells me fun stories about pretend things, but never confuses it with the truth. he says, "mommy I want to tell you this pretend thing." It's so cute!
We went to Abilene this past weekend. After the morning at a farm with our MOPS group (where we got to see a chick hatch which was one of the coolest things I've ever seen), I took the boys on the three hour journey to Abilene. We met my mom and Jamama and Japapa at the hotel and had dinner before I went off to judge SING. Judging was stressful but I had my support team (Danielle, her boyfriend Kevin, my cousin Harrison, Rachael and Rebecca) behind me both physically and emotionally. Saturday we all got up and went to HSU homecoming! Dad helped me with the boys while mom, Danielle and the rest of us went around to the education brunch and other activities. The boys got to go horseback riding, play games, do crafts, jump on the bounce house (which both boys LOVED and wouldn't come out) and had great fun in the "posse" club. I got to see some friends, and Rebecca even brought up her son Jonas so that all three boys could spend a little time together. My parents, Danielle, Kevin, Harrison, the boys and I all had lunch in the College Cafeteria where they served delicious BBQ. We talked about how we had all eaten there in college, and William declared that he was now attending college since he had eaten there too. I asked him what classes he was taking and he responded without hesitation, "English!" So now you 3 year old is taking college English. William and Robert really enjoyed the ice cream of the cafeteria. they were covered in blue before it was all over. Finally, before heading home we went to the Harding-Simmons University Cowboys game. William liked ringing his bell and cheering for his team ("H-S H-S U U!") Robert liked walking up and down the length of the bleachers flirting with strangers and occasionally watching the game when everyone started cheering. I'm glad they had fun! When we got home William told me that HSU was kind of like Disney World. I know his Sweetie would be glad to hear it!
That's it for now!
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