So last Wednesday I woke up to find my credit card had been used fraudulently. I noticed a couple of foreign transactions fees and knew I hadn't been out of the country the day before, so I called my credit card company. They removed the charges and got me a new card (even if I had to wait a week for the card). I'm glad I noticed though. Someone could have had a shopping spree at my expense otherwise! We went to Barnes and Noble that morning where William and Ranger had a sweet reunion and Angel and I were able to catch up. William told Ranger all about our trip and invited him to come back with us "next time". Now sure when that's gonna be, kid! The boys and I had lunch with Angel and Ranger before we headed on to their 1 and 3 year old check-ups at the doctor. William is still at the top range of his age being nearly 39 inches and having gained 5 lbs in the past year. His BMI is perfect, and Dr. Enders says everything looks good. Robert too has grown to be 30 inches long, but he only gained just over a pound in the past 3 months instead of the expected 3. The doctor wasn't too worried since he still gained weight (didn't lose weight), and said as we stop nursing to make sure he gets even more healthy, high calorie foods to get his weight up. We began the weaning process that day, much to Robert's displeasure. I would give all the reasons we needed to wean (not that I need to explain myself to the internet), but it's better to just say it was time. We also started working on getting Robert to sleep in his own bed all by himself the whole night. What a rough week for my baby boy. My big boy (William) had his first AWANAS meeting that night. He is a proud cubbie! He went straight into class and right to work. Other parents were hanging around to get their kid's comfortable, but William said, bye and I took him at his word. I'm so proud he's reached this milestone, but it's happened so fast! After dropping him off Robert smiled and I realized he has two more teeth. His top two one year molars are in, bringing his total number of teeth to 10! I needed some good news right about then and this was it. Robert is a keeper, that's for sure!
Thursday we has Bible Study. Robert screamed when I left him and I could hear him scream until he eventually passed out. Separation anxiety has been in fully swing. I take two steps away form him and he starts to cry. It's been exhausting. I know I will miss all the cuddles when it's over, but the crying makes me feel so sad when I have to go do normal things like make dinner or go to the restroom. It's nice to be loved.
Friday the boys and I went to Mt. Playmore with a group from my new MOPS group which included Angel and Ranger. It was a fun morning but towards the end we had to leave because William kept sticking coins in the games without telling me and then the game would run out with us having not played it. He got a warning and decided to ignore me once more, so we had to go home. He cried and cried, but once he settled we had a great opportunity to talk about sin, Adam and Eve and what happened when they disobeyed their Father (kicked out from the Garden of Eden). I then told him that he was going to get a second chance (which we explained is grace) and that after nap we could try again if he was willing to show me he would listen to me. I am pleased to tell you the message sunk in and that after nap and dinner, Francis and I took the boys back to Mt. Playmore and William listened really well. Who knew Mt. Playmore would have Biblical applications? Yes, I know every thing has Biblical and spiritual applications. This time I just happened to see it in the right moment.
Saturday, (with Francis still working Saturdays), the boys and I went up to the mall and happened upon an event at both the Disney store (a Doc McStuffins' event) and at the mall at large (Julius Jr. and his friends event). The boys got to do activities, make crafts and William even got his face painted. It marvelous when a plan accidentally comes together.
Sunday I was back at church and I love how much church feels like home. Our pastor teaches the truth even if it is hard to hear. After church we had a birthday party at the Little Gym. William's friend from there turned 3. When I arrived, I recognized more than half of people at the party (I thought I would only know the mom of the little girl) and one of them was actually someone I had met at Mt. Playmore on Friday from my new MOPS group. Small world! I'm getting to where I can't go anywhere where I don't know someone. It's great!
Sunday night was the last time I nursed Robert. Francis had Monday off so after the boys and I made a grocery run, I had a Dr. appointment to finally get my ear looked at. I've had fluid in my ear for nearly a year, and two different doctors told me they needed to wait until I was done nursing to deal with it. I'm now on steroids. After my appointment, Francis, the boys and I bought Robert his new, big boy car seat. No more carrier car seat for my big boy. We got a 4ever car seat by Graco and I think we will really like it.
Tuesday was Little Gym day. It's always fun to see my boys learn new things. Wednesday morning I had my well-woman's exam and everything looks great as far as that goes. Before heading to the appointment, I threw out my back. Like bad...I dropped the boys at Angel's, and I couldn't even lift Robert out of the car without wincing in pain. I'm still not recovered, but I'm on regimen of Aleve that seems to be helping significantly. Wednesday night William officially finished his cubbies entrance book and got his cubbies vest. He was so excited! He's looked so big when he tried it on. I', so excited for him.
I had Bible Study this morning and I have MOPS tomorrow. I am so blessed to be around such Godly ladies who challenge me to know God better and to reach out to a world who needs Him.
Finally William had been doing great at (home) school! He's learning more and more sight words to read, writing better and completing tasks. He is learning so much about math and science and literature. I'm so impressed by him. Just the other day I let him open some of the junk mail. I asked him what it said and he goes, "mommy it's just a bunch of 'yes's and 'no's. Sure enough, I looked at it and it was a chart comparing a bunch of different cable providers with yes and no in each square. I was so impressed! Today and yesterday we've been using a balance scale given to us by my mother-in-law to talk about mass. He learned that not all things have the same mass, that it takes precision to measure and, most importantly, that one Oreo is equal to 12 chocolate teddy grams in weight. Priorities! He's also been learning his Bible verses and taking them to heart. So far he's learned 1 John 4:10 and Romans 3:23. If you see him around, ask him to recite them. He'll be so pleased to tell you what he knows! He's been working on his French too. He likes learning about all the things he will be wearing in Canada and how to say thing in French.
Robert had learned to turn around and walk sideways. This comes in handy as he has been getting into every space imaginable and had to find a way out. His appetite has increased since he finished nursing and I have every confidence that he will pack on the pounds in no time. He actually slept 9 hours in a row without any assistance for the first time ever this week (his record was 5 hours before). It's only happened once, but it's a start!!!
My boys are so fun. I'm so blessed that they are mine.
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