William all of a sudden has gone from a toddler to stretching out and looking like a child. His legs and arms seem miles longer than before, and his face is lit up constantly with an imagination that can change the world. His smile makes my heart stop and his laugh is music to this mother's ears. The sun has bleached his hair again, so it is the white blonde that we sometimes imagine angels must have. And oh, he is a delight. He's been singing all the time with me (not just at me), asking wonderful, meaningful questions, and I find myself having real discussions with him about things that matter to both of us. It's awesome. William is developing a more mature sense of humor. He told me he was hungry and I retorted, "hi Hungry, I'm mom!" He laughed quite a bit and finally responded, "That's really funny mommy. You are super silly." He's started quoting movies and shows appropriately. The other day he quoted Frozen. When it was time for bed he told me, "The sun's awake, so I'm awake!" I mentioned his imagination. He ran around yesterday with a dragon-shaped car in a shoe (which he called a rocket ship) chasing mickey mouse who was flying an airplane. The things coming out of his mouth were hysterical! I could tell he was having a great time. William's handwriting has gotten worse, but that is actually a good thing. He is actually writing letters into meaningful words, instead of just copying pictures. His name somehow has more meaning to him now when he writes it. As do all the other words he can spell or write or read. I'm so excited for him as the world of the written word opens to him like a flower. This kid is also fearless. The rings were out at The Little Gym both yesterday and today. William pulled the rings back as far as he could and swung, letting go intentionally at the other end and flying as far as he could across the room. Telling him to stop was no good. He really believed he could fly. When he landed, he would somersault. Talk about a showman!
Robert is almost 1. How did this happen? Francis was holding him last night, and Robert stretched the entire length of his torso and then some. Such a big boy! He still lives up to his nickname, "Mr. Smiley" and his attitude is just as pleasant as his face. He babbles constantly trying to tell me things. I wish I spoke baby! Tooth #4 is finally officially through as of last week (tooth 3 came in while we were in Plano), and he is loving being able to bite off his food. He is able to feed himself pretty independently, and as long as he gets table food, he will eat more than a good portion. I knew he could eat, but wow! That pincher grasp of his is working and working well. He is also drinking more from a cup and occasionally even from a straw. This makes me happier than I can say! He hasn't taken another step (though he acts like he will all the time), but he cruises along furniture and walls like he owns the place. He's getting fast. I have to keep an eye on him at all times, or he will try to go and play in the dog water. Silly boy! I also am finding random objects strewn about the house. Robert has mastered the "carry things in one hand while you crawl" maneuver. He's quite a pro. Robert graduated out of the baby class at the Little Gym yesterday and had his first 'birds' class today. Not wanting to be outdone by William, Robert climbed up on the platform, grabbed the rings and swung out all on his own. He held on the rings several seconds (giving me time to get over my surprise and help him when he released) before dropping to the ground with a triumphant squeal. Future professional gymnast? Maybe. Finally, Robert has mastered the art of manipulating strangers. He can clap, smile, point, wave, and high five with the cuteness that would melt a heart of ice. His blue eyes look at you and it's all over. I have caught Robert flirting with many a stranger by hearing clapping or hearing a soft "hello". Everywhere I look, I see someone waving at me, only to realize Robert is waving at them first. He got a whole table at Chick-fil-a to clap with him yesterday. This kid is not shy!
Well I would go into what we did this week, but I fell what's above is way more interesting so I'll spare you.
That's it for now!
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