For the sake of brevity, I'll give you a quick overview of the week and then hit a couple highlights!
Last Wednesday and Thursday the boys and I attended Mops and Moms (Bible study). I hate to gloss over these, because they were both wonderful times, but there it is.
Friday was amazing. I received a text message from my sister-in-law Cyndy inviting the boys and I to meet her halfway in Brenham to take a tour of the Bluebell factory. How could I say no to family, especially when ice cream is involoved?! So we packed into the car and made the 1 1/2 drive to Brenham. The wind was cold, but after a picnic lunch with Cyndy and cousin Abby, we put on our bluebell hats and took the tour. They don't let you take pictures on the tour, but Abby and William standing side by side and looking down at the machines in their hats would have been one of the cutest photos ever. Robert was even fascinated by all the moving parts. After the tour, we had our obligatory ice cream. William and Abby ran around the cow statue a bit before we drove a little down the road and Cyndy got some bluebonnet cousin pictures. They turned out beautifully! My personal favorite is one of Abby and William smiling really big while William holds Robert. Robert was not in a smiley mood (which is rare for him), but we got a couple of him studying the flowers which are precious! So, overall a great cousin day!!! Thanks to my favorite sister-in-law!
Saturday was supposed to be a busy day. God had other plans. I had not had sleep in days (like 9 hours total over 4 nights). Francis, the boys and I went to Home Depot to get some stuff for the yard. After we arrived, William told us he did not feel well, so we hurried to the check out and headed home. William threw up in the car. He had a high fever, so we changed his clothes when we got home, showered him off and put him to bed. He slept for a couple of hours, and then laid on the couch and watched TV. He was so out of it, he didn't even notice Francis and I eat Chick-fil-a at the kitchen table right by him. Well, after lunch, I decided to lay down and take a short nap. 3 1/2 hours later I woke up suddenly and realized I needed to make dinner. I guess I was tired! William had taken another nap and his fever had broken so he had some pedialyte. potato soup, chicken noodle soup and toast. He felt much better.
Sunday, I planned on doing all the yard work that I had missed the day before, but again God forced me to choose rest by making it rain. After church and lunch it was still raining, and I really wanted to see the new Captain America movie. Since a babysitter was no where to be found on short notice, Francis and I did the only logical thing and took turns seeing the movie. Francis went in the afternoon with Austin, bringing home pizza for dinner afterward. Then I went with Austin's wife Angel in the evening. It was a great movie! So glad I had Angel to see it with too!
Monday was Little Gym day and today was grocery day. Now for an update on the boys.
William is getting so imaginative. I know I say that, but it's true! The other day we were eating mac and cheese and he held up a person (they were shaped like the characters of "How to train your dragon") and said, "Hello, my name is Happy!" Although I don't condone him eating mac and cheese with his hands, I played along. "Hello Happy! How are you?" I held up my finger and said, "My name's pointer." William took the mac and cheese person and bit it in two. "Mommy, he cant talk, hehe. I ate his head...and his bum (bottom)." I responded, "I guess he's not so happy anymore." William shook his head. He's all boy, this one! He's still having nighmares, though, and he talks in his sleep. He's currently afraid of the ceiling fan, claiming it has eyes. He's talking about the vent holes, but even after he put his fingers up in them, he's no convinced. Please say a prayer for him, as no one in this house can sleep when he's so troubled.
Robert is also growing so fast! He was standing in his crib the other day smiling like the cat that ate the canary. He's pulling up and sitting up all the time. He gets on his hands and knees and rocks, but the "crawling" hasn't come yet. That's not to say he doesn't get around by rolling and scooting. This kid's pretty mobile! Oh, and we have a victory! Robert is finally eating food! In the past three days, he's eaten a French fry (don't ask), soft pizza crust, mum mums, baby food peas, and baby food squash (I gasped on the last two also!). What has led to this major turn of events? Control. Robert wants to feed himself. I attached a spoon to a baby food pouch and let him go to town. It was great! Now I know! The kid is a control freak. At least when it comes to food. Now I'm going to try giving him a bottle/sippy cup to feed himself and see if we can end the night time feeding battle that we never win. It's worth a try! I'm just happy he's trying stuff for a change. Oh!! Robert got is FIRST TOOTH today! Well, I should say it came in again. Last time it went away, but this time it's here to stay. He's been gnawing on it for weeks, so I'm so pleased to see it has surfaced. His grin now has a tooth. It's super adorable.
Well, that's it for now!
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