Sunday, September 16, 2012

Korea Week 2

I can't believe we are already halfway through our trip. It seems like we've been here forever, but at the same time, I feel like we've only just arrived. I don't even know where to begin with all we've done this week.

Tuesday we went to the Suwon Hwaseong Museum to see how they built (and rebuilt) Hwaseong fortress. It was very interesting, and William enjoyed the Children's area. Something I am noticing about Suwon is that every museum and big store has a nursing area, baby services area and a children's area. They are very kid friendly here!!! Wednesday William and I went by the Suwon Museum of History, Calligraphy and Lee Jong Hak Archives. On the way there, William and I toured the outside of the Suwon World Cup Stadium. It was very fun! I ended up having to take a cab to the museum though and I am glad I did because nothing on the outside was in English! I would never have found it. The museum itself was fascinating. They gave me a PDA which translated everything into English when I clicked on the corresponding pictures. This museum was the most interactive I've ever seen. Everything was motion activated, including a room which played a movie before letting you into the next chamber, and a city that came to life when you walked into the room. William had a blast in the kid's area here. Never a dull moment with this kiddo! Wednesday night I got to meet and have dinner with the wife of one of Francis's coworkers. Her name is Leann.

Thursday Leann and I took a Taxi and toured Home Plus and the Galleria Mall while the rain streamed down outside. I didn't realize how many people there are in Suwon until it started raining and everyone was forced inside. The mall was packed. We had to wait over and over for countless elevators (since I had the stroller) and were on the point of tears from frustrated laughter by the time we finally got out. It was a good bonding experience. Friday Leann, William and I visited Hyowon park. It was beautiful with its traditional Chinese Garden. I took a ton of photos. William especially liked the Koi pond. He tried to climb in more than once! We also found yet another playground. This one was shaped like an airplane. It was very fun!

Saturday Francis was off work and we took full advantage by taking the bus out to Everland Theme Park. On the Bus William spoke Korean to someone! They said Hello to him in Korean and he responded "Ahn ya" (Hi) back!!!! I couldn't believe it. My baby knows Korean!! We got to the park and I couldn't believe it. It is huge! I don't think we could have done everything even if we had taken two days. As it was we toured the zoo where William had fun playing with the monkeys from the other side of the glass. When we finally got to ride our first ride (other than the sky tram down into the park), William had fallen asleep. We got in a circular boat, they strapped us in and we rode the raging rapids. William slept through it all. I guess he just thought it was a particularly wet and bumpy stroller ride. I don't know. William woke up in time for lunch after which we rode the carousel, elephant ride, train, and a really really long version of the "It's a Small World After All" ride from Disneyworld. Oh, and there was a kid area with a bunch of fountains where we let William play for a while. He drew a huge crowd of people taking pictures of him. This happens everywhere we go, but this was the biggest crowd yet. After we picked him up to dry him, people followed us and continued to take pictures. It was crazy! William and I also got to play in this awesome ball pit ride which shot out foam balls in every direction and let you play with them in every sort of imaginable way. So fun! Towards the evening we rode a safari ride in which we got to see real white tigers and bears up close and personal. One bear would not leave our bus alone and kept doing tricks so the bus driver would give him treats. He was HUGE! At night we watched the light parade and a spectacular display of pyrotechnics and fireworks. They passed out hat/face shields before the show which seemed sort of silly at the time, but by the end of the show we were covered in ash from the fireworks. Even with the mask, some got in my eye!. William LOVED it though and laughed and pointed at each successive explosion. He is his daddy's son!!!

Sunday we went to King Jeongjo's grave as well as his father's and mother's. It is situated in a beautiful national park with rolling hills and lush landscape. After this we went to Yongjusa temple. We only saw one Buddist Monk among all the finery, but plenty of people were worshiping. This made me sad for two reasons: that they are doing so much work bowing and saying all the "right words" to an idol that can't help them and that we don't spend more time truly worshiping the Living God with such fervor. It made me a bit contemplative to say the least.

Today we are weathering the edge of Typhoon Sanba. We are mostly getting rain and medium winds (40 mph). I don't think it will flood or do any damage so that is good. William is going a bit stir crazy though. He is so used to going outside that he keeps trying to escape the room. I hope this storm clears soon!

That's it for now!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your return to the states. So glad you've had a great time! See you soon!
