Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30th, 2012

So much to say! First off. William is healthy!!!! It is such a blessing not to hear coughing or stuffy nose sounds in this house.

Second, William loves food. He likes carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and as of today he likes green peas. My little man loves his veggies! He does not really like the fruit he has tried. He had peaches, but we found out very quickly that he it topically allergic, He broke out in a rash where ever the peaches touched. When I wiped off his face, the rash faded and was gone within 15 minutes or so. I did the same thing with watermelon and cantaloupe as a child so I am not too worried. I grew out of it. Luckily it didn't upset his stomach, just his skin. William is also not a fan of bananas. He will eat them but makes such a face that you don't want to give him any more. I guess he doesn't have a sweet tooth yet.

In other news, my mom came up this weekend. Her favorite baby age is 5 months so she really got to enjoy her grandson. She bought him some clothing (which he is currently wearing), and William was a super dooper shopping buddy at the mall. He's just an amazing kiddo. My mom babysat on Saturday night so Francis and I could go out on a date. We went to Dave and Buster's and had dinner and played games. It was a lot of fun!

The best thing my mother did for me was give me a full uninterrupted night's sleep. She slept in the nursery Saturday night and took care of him so I could rest. It was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that Francis got up with William last night so that I could sleep again. I had reached my breaking point this week and two nights' sleep has given me a new lease on life. Hooray!

One of the reasons that sleep has been scarce is that William is teething again. He chews on everything, drools everywhere, and whines occasionally for no apparent reason. Poor baby. I want him to get through this quick because he keeps biting me and it hurts. He cries and can't help it...but still it isn't fun.

Oh yeah, and William has entered the "klepto" stage of being a baby. He grabs everything! I have to watch him so carefully to make sure he doesn't take something that I do not want him to. Just yesterday at lunch, Francis had to give our waitress a cloth napkin as we exited the restaurant because William snatched it off the table. I know most every mother has a story about something their baby either stole on accident or put in the shopping cart without mommy knowing, but I am going to try to not let that happen. It probably will anyway, hehe.

Finally, We have started transitioning William to some 12 month clothing. It is crazy how they are really not too big on him. There is room for growth, but not like you would expect. Hopefully my miracle grow baby will level off a bit for a while so he can enjoy his new wardrobe.

That's all I can think of for now!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear that we is on the road to recovery! Praise the Lord!
