Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30th, 2012

So much to say! First off. William is healthy!!!! It is such a blessing not to hear coughing or stuffy nose sounds in this house.

Second, William loves food. He likes carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and as of today he likes green peas. My little man loves his veggies! He does not really like the fruit he has tried. He had peaches, but we found out very quickly that he it topically allergic, He broke out in a rash where ever the peaches touched. When I wiped off his face, the rash faded and was gone within 15 minutes or so. I did the same thing with watermelon and cantaloupe as a child so I am not too worried. I grew out of it. Luckily it didn't upset his stomach, just his skin. William is also not a fan of bananas. He will eat them but makes such a face that you don't want to give him any more. I guess he doesn't have a sweet tooth yet.

In other news, my mom came up this weekend. Her favorite baby age is 5 months so she really got to enjoy her grandson. She bought him some clothing (which he is currently wearing), and William was a super dooper shopping buddy at the mall. He's just an amazing kiddo. My mom babysat on Saturday night so Francis and I could go out on a date. We went to Dave and Buster's and had dinner and played games. It was a lot of fun!

The best thing my mother did for me was give me a full uninterrupted night's sleep. She slept in the nursery Saturday night and took care of him so I could rest. It was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that Francis got up with William last night so that I could sleep again. I had reached my breaking point this week and two nights' sleep has given me a new lease on life. Hooray!

One of the reasons that sleep has been scarce is that William is teething again. He chews on everything, drools everywhere, and whines occasionally for no apparent reason. Poor baby. I want him to get through this quick because he keeps biting me and it hurts. He cries and can't help it...but still it isn't fun.

Oh yeah, and William has entered the "klepto" stage of being a baby. He grabs everything! I have to watch him so carefully to make sure he doesn't take something that I do not want him to. Just yesterday at lunch, Francis had to give our waitress a cloth napkin as we exited the restaurant because William snatched it off the table. I know most every mother has a story about something their baby either stole on accident or put in the shopping cart without mommy knowing, but I am going to try to not let that happen. It probably will anyway, hehe.

Finally, We have started transitioning William to some 12 month clothing. It is crazy how they are really not too big on him. There is room for growth, but not like you would expect. Hopefully my miracle grow baby will level off a bit for a while so he can enjoy his new wardrobe.

That's all I can think of for now!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012

So William is now getting over virus #4 since the beginning of December. The doctor (aka my new best friend since we see each other so often) confirmed on Friday that he has yet another sickness. Each one has been a little different. The first one included congestion, conjunctivitis and no cough or runny nose. The next one had a runny nose like no one's business and included a chest cough topped off with an ear infection. #3 had an empty cough and a slightly runny nose. The most recent had an significantly runny nose, a throaty cough with red sore throat and yet another ear infection (same ear both times: left). *Sigh* I have barely slept in a week. Last night was the first night I got more than two hours of sleep at one time. He almost gets over one cold and catches the next. It is so frustrating. I am so ready to  get back to the land of the living. I haven't seen anyone I know (other than Francis) in weeks. My mother is coming on Friday. I welcome the company!

I'm trying to think of what else to say. the drowsy headache I have perpetually endured is clouding my thoughts. William is still happy as can be. At night he has been unable to lay flat for any period of time so I have been holding him so that he can sleep and get well. But during the day, other than the cough, you wouldn't know he was sick. This is a bit of a double whammy as he has all the energy in the world and I have no sleep and no energy. At least if he felt bad during the day he might sleep a little bit and give me some down time.

The Doctor said William sits up more like an 8 month old than a 5 month old. She was holding a tongue depressor while examining him, and he reached out (while sitting up) and grabbed it from her. She said babies his age fall over when they try to do that, but not my William! She also said that William is one tough cookie. Dr. Enders said that most babies (especially if I had not been nursing) would have been hospitalized at least a couple of times with all the sicknesses he has had. Just two more things for me to be proud!

William is laughing more and reaching for what he wants. He has an opinion about everything. He lets you know what he does and does not like. He likes sweet potatoes and squash. That's right; William had solid foods this week. We warmed them in the hopes that it would soothe his throat and I think they helped a bit. He gobbles up sweet potatoes. I got a video of Francis feeding him. He has had squash only once, but seems to enjoy it as well. My boy is now joining the land of solid food eaters! Yay for all the smelly diapers to come. I really am excited, but I don't look forward to the assault on my nose. The things we do as parents, eh?

As I just changed William's diaper I am reminded of how much he has grown. About a quarter to a half of his 9 month clothing no longer fits. Just now I struggled just to get his outfit to snap. It's probably the last time he will be able to wear it. Some of this stuff he has only been able to wear a couple of times. I'm not surprised things are starting to get a little snug though. At his appointment on Friday, William weighed 18 1/2 lbs. (with clothing on). That coupled with his length means he will be fully in 12 month clothing in no time. I'm so proud and yet I miss the little man that arrived 5 1/2 months ago. I got to see a friend's newborn the other day and was astonished how small she was. William has grown so much already and will continue to do so for at least the next 18 years or so. I just have to drink in the moments (even the sleepless ones).

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17th, 2012

Well, I am sad to say William is sick again. After catching the symptoms early on Friday, the doctor confirmed he has the same old virus that just won't leave him alone. He is back on the nebulizer. His nose is really clogged and he has started coughing, but not nearly as bad as last time. I am hope that means he will get over it quicker. William is not a sickly child. He isn't letting his sickness keep him from doing anything. I think it actually bothers me way more than it bothers him. I want him to be healthy. He just wants me to stop using the "booger snatcher" to clear out his nose.

I am trying to remember what has happened since I last posted. Wince William has been sick, I've been trying to keep him away from other people both to protect him and them. One of our few outings was to go out to eat the other night. William sat up in a high chair for the whole meal. After grocery shopping earlier in the week and seeing that he could sit up in the cart. I thought it was time. Francis was very impressed that William could sit up for that long. Since I get to spend all day with this little guy, I was kind of amused at Francis's amazement.

William has been laughing longer and more often as of late. He's a little comedian. He's been doing the baby laughs that people record and use as sound effects. Tres adorable. The thing he finds the funniest is still our black dog Lucy. They will stare at each other forever and he will just laugh and laugh. William will roll across the room just to get near her. He also finds his dad quite comical. Francis makes excellent faces. My favorite way to make him laugh is peek-a-boo. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

William's two bottom teeth are coming in great! I keep trying to get a picture but no luck yet. I will keep trying!

William just took an interest in what I am doing. He has inched his way across to me (I am on the floor) and now wants to type. Got to go!

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9th, 2012

A wonderful week of healing. I finally feel like a person again. I am still coughing, but I feel like a cloud has been lifted. William is doing better. He is off the breathing treatments and has finished his antibiotics. Hid nose is still stuffy, but I think (hope) that it is mainly due to the season and the cedar.

William is sitting up for longer and longer periods of time. He is also figuring out how to get around through a combination of rolling and scooting. It won't be long before he is crawling. Just the other day he tried to escape twice from the bathroom while I was drawing his bath. I put him on the rug and he rolled over onto the tile and scooted toward the door. He made it to the threshold where I picked him up and put him, undressed him (diaper and all) and placed him on the rug while checking the temp of the bath. He again rolled on the tile and scooted naked toward the door. He didn't get far. I have to watch him though much closer now!

William is also mobile in his walker. He has figured out how to get on the carpet downstairs from the tile and now the dogs are only safe from him on the stairs. He LOVES the dogs, especially Lucy. If she comes into his sight, he laughs and smiles. He chases them both around in his walker. On the tile he can get up a good run and ram them at full speed. He sees them chase each other and just wants to join in. I got a video of William performing a sneak attack in the walker the other day. It was pretty funny.

Except for last night (which doesn't count because of special circumstances), William has been asleep by 8:30 every night for about two weeks. His napping is not great, but we are starting to settle into a routine. It is nice, to say the least. Oh! I got two copies of William's birth certificate. Now I can get proof of his Canadian citizenship and possibly get him a passport. Francis and I want to go on a family vacation, but we don't know where yet.

One last thing before I go. William is starting to act more and more like an infant and less like a baby. Yesterday for lunch we had Jimmy John's sandwiches and a small bag of chips. Francis and I were eating the chips and William kept trying to get a hold of the bag. When we finished, Francis finally let him grab the empty bag while William was in my lap. William opened it, looked inside, dropped it toward Francis and turned and gave me a hug as if to say "Daddy tricked me!!!". I am pretty sure he even gave Francis a dirty look. Yesterday evening my baby kept trying to take my soda away from me and then he tried to drink out of my water. Silly boy. We may try a sippy cup soon.

That's all for this edition!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years

Happy New Year! It has been another rough week here in Phillips' Central, but I am happy to report things seem to be looking up.

Last Thursday night William coughed, choked and gasped such that it scared me greatly. The doctor later told me that we probably should have gone to the hospital. Instead I prayed and headed to the doctor the first thing the following morning. Dr. Enders said William had an ear infection and bronchiolitis. She gave him a breathing treatment on a nebulizer (which he did not like) and that seemed to help. Francis and I prayed and gave William his breathing treatments three times a day and antibiotics twice a day. After two nights of being up for an hour around 4 am with William coughing uncontrollably, William is finally doing better. I have not slept in a week, but I am glad he is beginning to heal. I am still sick, but also beginning to do better. Did I mention Francis is sick? He still has a long way to go, but he claims he is fine. Our house is an infirmary.

Needless to say our New Years was spent quietly at home. We didn't stay up. Nothing much to report on that front. 2012 came in quietly.

In other news, William has been developing rapidly this week. He figured out how to use the walker. He was sitting in it the other night and pushed himself backwards. Then his face changed. He realized he was the one moving it and proceeded to move back over and over again across the floor. He has since learned to move forward and is quickly becoming an unstoppable moving force. He is also getting suddenly more adept at his scoot crawling. I set him on the floor to wash dishes. I looked down for no more than a minute and when I looked up, he had scooted off his blanket and a good distance across the floor. He hasn't done anything that spectacular since, but I am sure that he will be crawling on all fours in no time.

William is also beginning to sit up unassisted. He can prop himself up for about 30 seconds before tipping over. The other day he was playing with his car set (watching them go round and round). He held on to the track and sat up by himself for a good 10 minutes. I was very impressed. He's getting stronger all the time. He's also growing again. He will be in 12 month clothes before I know it. He has been starving all day long today and you know what that usually means: growth spurt. We shall see what happens though.

I think that is all for now. I need to change little man...again.