So yesterday was a big day. It was my third anniversary with my wonderful husband Francis. He is an amazing man and I wouldn't trade him for the world.
First thing yesterday I went for my weekly appointment. I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. His head hasn't moved stations. The good news is I am ahead of my momma; she never dilated with any of her pregnancies without induction. It probably still means I will have to induce after his due date, but my doctor and I will revisit the issue next week. Dr. Brown said not to worry about the joint pain; it is fluid that has built up in my joints and it will go away as soon as William comes. He's totally worth it, but pretty soon I will be less than worthless if the pain gets any worse. Oh! My Group B Strep test was negative! That is one less thing to worry about.
Anyway, back to the whole anniversary thing. I got all dressed up and Francis came home after 6 to pick me up. He rang the doorbell (which scared the living daylights out of me) and told me my chariot awaits (which was wonderfully cheesy and sweet). We went to Carino's and had a lovely quiet dinner. Then we came back to the house and I pulled out something he hadn't seen since the day before we got married: his wedding present to me. It is a compilation of all of the letters and cards I wrote him throughout our dating relationship. He put it in a bound book and gave it to me after our rehearsal dinner. It is still one of the sweetest things he has ever done. Well, we looked through the book to see how our lives had changed and see what was going on when. It was actually very fascinating and spurred some great conversation. I then presented him with a letter I wrote him in honor of our third anniversary. It told him what I think of him now. It is funny how the things you think about your spouse change over time and yet stay the same. We looked through our wedding album and recalled all sorts of things I thought we had forgotten. We attempted to watch our wedding video, but it wouldn't work on the DVD player. Luckily, we could see it on the computer, so we went ahead and saved a copy on there just in case. Overall it was a sweet night. Why didn't we exchange gifts or cards? We are doing that this weekend. Francis is taking me away for the weekend to a surprise location. He has planned out the whole weekend and even booked a hotel and boarded the dogs. He is taking off half of Friday to come get me and get things started. Don't worry, he told me we will stay as close to the hospital as we are at our house (which is actually a pretty wide radius!). I don't think it will be an issue though. William is way too comfortable to make an appearance any time soon. So we will enjoy one last weekend as just the two of us. I am really looking forward to it!
Today I went to a play-date at Haley's house, and Jami gave me a bunch of baby stuff!!! I am super excited. She saved me a ton of money and finally feel like the last piece of the puzzle is in place. Thanks Jami!!!
Ok, as the temperature outside is reaching record levels once again, I feel like this is a good time for a nap. Until next time!
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