2020! I actually had to erase the year in the title to fix it. I haven't written since Christmas, and honestly there is no way to cover all that ground. I'll try to give highlights. Christmas did not go as expected. We headed to Dallas on that Friday and had a great celebration with my family on Saturday. We made cookies, sang songs, had delicious food (and I mean amazing!), watched Christmas movies, had a little service and opened gifts. It was a very sweet time. By Saturday evening it was apparent that Robert didn't feel well and so on Sunday he and I stayed at my parents while everyone went to church (except Dani and Kevin who left to be with his family for Christmas). Saturday we also got word that my in-law's were sick and that my mother-in-law tested flu positive. We were planning to move over to my in-laws' house on Monday, so this put a large kink in our plans.
Robert was feeling much better by Sunday evening, so Monday and Tuesday (Christmas eve) we stayed at my parents and did some fun things around town. As Christian's kids had already opened all their gifts (which wouldn't have mattered if we had been at my in-laws), we got a couple of gifts for each kid so they all had something to open on Christmas Eve. I actually really enjoyed each kid opening two presents, because it meant they appreciated each gift and played sweetly with one another. It was a sweet memory.
Christmas Day we had breakfast with Francis's parents at IHOP and then went back to video skype with Cyndy and her family. We all opened presents via webcam. It wasn't the same, but it was necessary to keep baby Jackson safe. It was still much better than nothing! After presents, Fancis didn't look right. We got back to my parents' house, and rather than packing up the car and heading home, Francis took a 2 hour nap. When he awoke, we packed up the car. He told me he didn't feel up to driving. I knew something was very wrong. I drove us home that evening, and for the next 3 days, Francis was in bed sleeping. Saturday I finally woke him and told him he needed to go to urgent care or the emergency room. He had lot a lot of weight from not eating and his oxygen was low. He was diagnosed with pneumonia. After antibiotics and breathing treatments, he began the road to recovery. This led us into the New Year.
New Year's Eve, Francis finally felt up to leaving the house, so we went over to the Williams for food, games, and even some fireworks. The kids had a blast and it was SO nice to be around other people again. On New Year's day, I took the morning off of work and slept in. It was nice! We watched the parade, took down Christmas decorations and had a delicious fondue dinner and dessert. It's hard word but oh so good!!!
January we have had a few play dates (both at our house and other places). I've been working to try to spend time and invest in other people. I know it is worth it, and now that I am finally exiting the "baby fog" of the past 8+ years, I finally feel like it is doable. If you want to have a playdate, let me know! Everything either has started back up or is starting up in the coming week. I've taken over tutoring Hannah's CC class. We've had 2 weeks of CC so far this semester. This makes Tuesdays a little nuts, but it's a good nuts. Yesterday I taught 3 classes in China, got everyone ready to go, taught Hannah's class at CC, came home and did some prep, made dinner, had dinner and then taught two more classes in China before bed. I feel asleep tired, but genuinely happy.
What else? Andrew has become more of a kid/little person in the last couple of weeks. He understands most things I say and will actually wait for a moment when I say "wait." He sets the table for me before meals without being asked (he's 18 months old so it's mostly randomly sticking utensils on the table everywhere). He asks for things he wants and I even get a signed "please" most of the time. He finds his shoes when it's time to go and helps me put on his hat. I am overjoyed that he is finally understanding. He still has his own opinions about everything, but we are getting closer to having a conversation so I can understand him better. I look forward to that day.
Hannah handles being the only girl like a pro. She's gotten to have a few friends over lately, and I am struck by how different girls really are! Robert went to a friend's house and we took the sister of that family (who is Hannah's age) to our house. William spent the time reading while the girls played quietly and even included Andrew in their play. It was amazing. Yesterday we had two friends (both girls, 5 and 1) over. Even with the addition of two kids, things were somehow quieter! Hannah loves her brothers, but I am happy she gets to have girl time occasionally too. I'm trying to be intentional about spending time with her. Currently we are watching the series "Tangled" on Disney+. She loves curling up in my lap as we watch and talk about it. I love my sweet girl!
Robert's reading has exploded. Now William will finish a novel and hand it off to Robert to read next. Robert has also been reading books to Hannah and it's super cute! I am so proud of the kind and thoughtful child he is becoming. He is also eating a ton right now, so it's possible a growth spurt is on the way. He is almost always willing to lend a hand and this week he even helped sort the laundry without being asked! Robert does not like being alone and loves it best when he is playing with a sibling or friend. He's definitely the most extroverted of my kids! You keep making friends everywhere you go, buddy!
William forges ahead as my firstborn. He loves and hates the experience of being first. I have to remind him that he is not the parent (he is very good at remembering the rules), but he is generally pretty responsible too. He saved up all his money and bought a Nintendo Switch right after Christmas. He didn't have enough money for the games so each set of grandparents got him a game and so did we. He has been enjoying the challenge of these new games, and has (mostly) been sharing well with Robert. I am proud he had the disciple to save up birthday, tooth and Christmas money to get such an expensive item. He's mostly completed his 3rd grade school work, so we are finding supplementary items to help him gain more knowledge as help him pursue his interests. He's a smart kid, and I want to help him reach his potential!
That's all I've got time for now! Till next time.