Hannah is here! In fact, she is now officially a
week old. I’ve been enjoying her so much that I am finally sitting down to tell about her birth.
My mom and mother in law came in town last Thursday night.
Friday morning we all got up and while Francis and I headed to the hospital, Mom, Frankie's mom, William and Robert went to the Thinkery (children’s museum) for the
morning. Fancis and I arrived at the hospital at 10, got signed in and all set up,
starting the Pitocin just around 11am. I made no progress for a couple of hours.
My mom arrived so Francis could take a lunch break. I was relieved
they let me have a salad for lunch. I was so hungry! Finally the Pitocin was a
high enough that the doctor broke my water. Knowing my track record with the
shakes after my water is broken, I opted for an epidural before they broke it.
It was the smartest thing I could have done, and I felt very little pain from
then on. Francis and Mom took turns having dinner and after 5 the nurse checked
me and said I hadn’t made progress. I was still at 3cm dilated and 75% effaced
as I had been for over 2 weeks. She told me the doctor would be back by at
11pm. I sighed believing it would be a long night. At 7pm I started feeling
some pain and started shaking. I pressed the pain button and the nurse decided
to check me again. To her surprise and mine, I was at a 10 and ready to
push! The doctor was called and Francis hurried back from dinner (he was pulling
in the parking lot). I started pushing just before 7:30. Thanks to an awesome
epidural and good breaks in between contractions (as well as an amazing husband
and support staff), we were able to laugh and be relaxed through the 45 minutes
of pushing. We even had the TV on during this as it added to the energy in the room. Hannah came out at 8:12 crying quietly and moving so delicately that
my heart nearly burst with love. Francis was just perfect and looked on us
with quiet admiration, at a loss for words and with tears in his eyes. My mom got to cut the cord. They wiped Hannah off and handed her to Francis. The
nurse said he could hold her as long as he liked before she was measured, and
he made sure he did. He stared at her with eyes only a father can give. He
hardly moved for 20 minutes, just holding Hannah and smiling softly. I finally
asked him what he was thinking. He motioned to the TV (which was playing a
wedding show called Say Yes to the Dress) and said, “That’s never going to
happen!” in such a way I couldn’t help but laugh. Hannah will be well protected,
that's for sure. When she did get measured, Hannah weighed 7lbs 10oz, was 21
inches long and had a head circumference of 14 ½ inches. The nurse had to
measure again because she thought that Hannah's head was too big, but she didn’t
realize big heads (and big brains) run in the family.
My in laws visited later in the evening, and Francis's mom could not get over how long and delicate her fingers were. Hannah has my hands, my sweet girl. The doctor thought Hannah looks like her brothers, but “girlier” so
at least she got something from me! Everyone left that evening around 11:30 and I got
some time by myself with Hannah. She was becoming a champion nurser already and wanted to nurse all night. The nurse
took her out to the nurses station a couple of times so I could get some rest. They
said she was simply delightful!
The next morning, Francis, Mom, my in laws and William and Robert came up as soon as they could. William and Robert tiptoed in the
room. Robert noticed Hannah first and came to investigate followed very quickly by
William. They loved her immediately. Robert kissed her head and William begged
to hold her. We let him and in a voice so high and quiet that it could barely
be heard he whispered over and over again, “She’s so cute. Hannah. So cute!”
Robert got to hold Hannah too and he touched her so gently. Danielle and my dad arrived right after that (good thing we were in a big room!) and got to hold
and love on her too. My dad said it reminded him of when I was born. Aunt Dani
cooed and made sweet faces as she told Hannah that she was Hannah's favorite aunt.
After having lunch, Francis, his parents, William and Robert came back joined by Cyndy, Chris and cousin Abby. Abby was super thrilled to hold Hannah and the smile plastered on her face was completely priceless. My aunt Camille came
later in the day to dote on Hannah, and William and Robert came back with Nana,
Grandad and Sweetie after a nap. Francis was the last to leave that night, and
he told me how much he loved our little family. He’s a keeper, that Francis. I
wouldn’t trade him for anything.
Sunday, Hannah passed her hearing test and bilirubin test and
had only lost a few ounces. They checked us both out and then the five of us rode
home in the car as a family for the first time. It was a special moment.
In the week since Hannah's birth, things have been busy.
Sweetie has been here to help (she just left). Francis has been
home too. We’ve tried to keep some sort of schedule, but basically things are crazy
around here. Hannah's 4 day checkup went really well on Tuesday. The doctor said
everything looked great and gave her a clean bill of health. I am so proud! Wednesday
we did Hannah's newborn photos and they turned out great. She were a doll and never
cried. Such an angel! Francis, William and Robert took a boys overnight trip last night so I could have some quiet time. I’ve enjoyed holding Hannah without
interruption as she had a huge growth spurt and slept all day yesterday. She's such a blessing. She likes being awake at night better than the day, but so far
it hadn’t been too tiresome. I can’t wait to see how she grows in the coming
weeks, months and years. I love her. I thank God for her. My Hannah.