Swim lessons have been going great. William is loving being in the "big bears" class by himself and he is growing into a more confident swimmer each day. He is learning to go underwater by himself, swim on his back and is working on learning to stroke with his arms. Robert is also a little fish. he paddles around (with me holding him) with no fear and tons of anticipation. He knows how to monkey crawl, climb in and out of the pool, god underwater, and reach in front for him and kick to move forward. What smart boys I have!
Little Gym for the summer has started up. We are scheduled for Tuesdays, but sure to swim lessons last week and this week, we are doing class on Fridays. That means that William is in the sports class instead of his regular gym class. This last week they were doing Hockey! William learned to hold a stick, how to do a slap shot, how to block a goal and a ton of other hockey skills. He was so proud and so was his daddy when I sent a picture. Robert moved up to the "beasts" class. He fits right in with the bigger kids. As his teacher said, "Robert was kinda born a beast. He's got skills."
Saturday we were up in Dalllas for the Elliot/Thweatt family reunion (my mothers' side). The boys got to swim and eat way too many sweets, and they had a little "sprinkle" for Hannah. She got a bunch of her nursery items. I'm so excited. Thanks Aunt Bup for hosting! It was so fun!
So, a couple weeks back the boys had Fifth disease, which isn't a big deal for them as the symptoms are super mild. I had it when I was young so I should be immune. That being said, when I told my doctor about it, she told me it is possible I could get reinfected and sent me both for a blood test and ultrasound. Even if I got it again, the chances are low that Hannah could be infected, and even if she got infected, chances are that it won't do anything to her, especially considering how far along she is in development. BUT there is a very very small chance that this disease can do a lot of damage to unborn babies. So, I did the blood test on last Thursday and I go in for my ultrasound on this Friday. The odds of anything being wrong are so low, that I'm not really worried about it, but I am looking forward to seeing Hannah. So pray for me, that I will continue to be calm. I don't think anything is wrong, but it is good to confirm.
That's all I got for now. Till next time!