Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015

I sat down to write this, but as soon as I did. both boys immediately got up to play, so I'll make this quick!

We bought a new car on Saturday. After shopping seriously last Saturday, as well as Thursday (thanks mom, for babysitting!) and Friday night, we finally took the plunge and bought a 2015 Toyota Sienna. It was a very long process, but the boys and the dealership were both great. The manager actually took pity on us (as we had been there a long time the night before and had now been there from 10am-2pm) and fed us lunch as he had gotten extra for the employees. We finally left around 2:30 in our new car. We really like it and all the features. I still don't like the "v" word (van), but we are finding the room a nice commodity.

Monday morning, I woke up with a stomach ache. I didn't eat much breakfast. I tried to go about my day, but by nap time (even after skipping lunch), it was bad. I knew something was wrong. William told me his tummy was upset too. I thought he was just being sympathetic. After nap, the nausea turned to vomiting and diarrhea. I called Francis and begged him to come home so the boys wouldn't catch it, but as soon as Francis arrived, William started throwing up too. Then Bella the dog started throwing up. Francis and Robert (and Lucy the dog) were just fine. It was then that we realized that food poisoning was the culprit. William and I had had one pizza Sunday night while Francis and Robert had shared a different one. William had accidentally fed some to Bella in the course of dinner. Aaaand, the rest is history. We all stopped throwing up shortly before 7pm, but were so spent that dinner was not on our priority list. We woke up Tuesday feeling weak, but fine and returned to normal eating by Tuesday night. I did call the pizza place to let them know. They offered a store credit, but it will be a little while before we eat there again, to say the least.

In happy news, I was surprised by my ladies at Bible Study this morning by an outpouring of love. These ladies brough diapers, wipes, gifts and books for sweet Hannah. Some of them may never get to meet her (as next week is our last meeting), but they showered her with gifts anyway. It is so powerful to see God's love in action, especially when you are the recipient of that love. I have no words to thank them, but I am truly grateful.

Well, the room behind me it now trashed with toys, so I have to go! The boys are great and Hannah is kicking away. Till next time!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14, 2015

Quite a week we've been having.

Robert has been having some success with potty training. He's yet to poo on the potty this week, but he is going pee at least a couple of times a day. He is hot or cold on the issue of potty training and his opinion changes greatly throughout the day. In addition to potty training, Robert decided Wednesday that he was done with is crib/toddler bad and was moving up to the big leagues: the twin bed in his room. He climbed up there that night and hasn't looked back. He stays and sleeps there all night (with the exception of last night), so it's hard to complain too much. He's getting so big! He's also developed a fascination with cars, trains, tractors and trucks. He carries the little toys cars around the house making "zooming" noises. He turns anything he can into a train and announces, "choo choo" as he pushes it around. He has a couple of toy tractors that make noise, and I hear their noises constantly. Finally, he loves the word truck and all things related to it. He'll bring me a toy truck and I'll ask him if it's a car. He'll shake his head and say, "tuck, tuck", and then giggle and go back to what he is doing. We have a couple books that have transportation themes, and he has made them a staple of his bedtime routine.

William is growing in so many ways, I don't even know what to mention. He's been contemplating marriage and kids a lot lately. He has decided on his own that he will marry a princess, move next door to me and have all his meals with me so we don't have to be apart. He also says he will be big enough to have kids someday, but right now he is a kid. Yesterday he mentioned that he believed that Robert was also going to grow up someday and get married and have kids. He's really thought this through. Slow down kid!

Last Wednesday through Sunday was the Global Impact Celebration at church. We spent that time each night hearing from different missionaries about their ministries (including those in Iraq, California, India, Africa, Austin, and more) as we sought the Lord to find our place in His story. It was so powerful to hear what Christians around the world are facing. I look forward to seeing what God does through them and us in the coming months and years. I wish I could detail what all I heard, but I'm still processing much of it. Give me time.

We have decided we might need a new car. My Escape that I love simply won't hold 3 car seats, or even 2 car seats and a booster, so we have to evaluate our options. I am trying to be reasonable in this process, but the thought of shopping and negotiating for a new (or even a new to us) car stresses me. It will be fine, I just don't enjoy the sales-pitch-while-I'm-trying-to-think problem.

Hannah is kicking away, by the way. Anytime she hears anything, she tends to react, but even more so to the voices of the boys and Francis. She is particularly active at night. I'm hoping this is not a sign of things to come!

That's all for now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015

Happy Easter! He is risen! It's been a busy week.

Last Wednesday, the boys and I drove to Brenham to meet up with Cyndy and Angel (and cousin Abby and Ranger) to take a tour of the Blue Bell factory and take some pictures. Before our tour, the kids did a mini Easter egg hunt on the lawn thanks to Cyndy. They loved it. The kids were so good during the tour, with the older three holding hands for much of the time as they walked through. Robert wanted to see in every window and kept stopping to ask me to pick him up or climbing up to stand on the stroller to see. He didn't want to miss a thing. After sampling ice cream at the end and then a picnic lunch, we headed to a nearby field and took some bluebonnet pictures. They turned out cute! I am sad we had to say goodbye, but all fun things eventually come to an end.

Thursday morning we packed up and headed to Tyler for Easter camping with my family and my parents' Sunday School class. We've been doing this for over 20 years (I think) and it such a blessing to see all of God's creation around you while you celebrate the new life that was made possible through Jesus Christ. We had a lot of fun. The boys liked playing in the dirt, roasting and eating marshmallows, looking at the water, riding in the row boat, watching the water, fishing, and generally exploring. Robert did manage to fall in head first off the fishing dock (which made my heart stop), but thanks to Danielle catching Robert by the shoe, and a wonderful stranger who dove in after him, all is well. Robert was shook up and a little water logged, but he recovered after some fresh clothes and a lot of love.

We did an Easter egg hunt on Saturday with the boys, which was a big success. The boys liked getting eggs and especially liked the toys, stickers and candy inside. Saturday night we ate at our traditional Mexican food joint, Mercado's. It was good and I was so stuffed when we got back to the campsite. That nigh it started to rain, and rain and rain and rain. It rained out our  Easter morning service (which was sad as we had such perfect weather for the Friday night service). Our tent got flooded and we had to bring back everything in it wet. We made it back though, and other than Francis who rolled his ankle, we were no worse for wear. It was a good trip and one that will go down in the history books.

Last night, Robert got on the potty and peed before bath...sooo I guess we are starting potty training. He went a little on the potty this morning, but I'm still waiting for more data points to see if he is really ready. He's seem interested for a while, but other than a few random occurrences, this is the first time he's gone on the potty, and without any prompting. I was going to wait until after Hannah was born and the dust had settled, but it seems Robert may have a different timeline. He's only 18 months old. My kids always seem to be ready for this before I am.

I had a check up today, and everything seems great. Hannah had a strong heartbeat and is kicking away all the time. She's as active as her brothers, which is good, because she'll need tons of energy to keep up with them. It will be so exciting. I wish I had more to report on my appointment, but other than I'm measuring a week small (yay!, first time ever that's happened to me!), the appointments are brief as I don't have any real issues or questions. I'm hardly a pro, but I know mostly what to expect. I'm sure baby girl will find some way to surprise me yet!

Till next time!