Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014

This will be my last post as a 28 year old. This year went by so quickly. I wouldn't change a thing. Thank you God for your gifts and your mercies!

It's been a busy week. I can't really go into the details, but we've been praying a lot and learning about God and his faithfulness. Tuesday was a particularly humbling day. I really don't know what to write, and I hate for things to sound secretive that really aren't. They just don't need to be posted so the whole world can read. If you know me well and want to know what's been happening, give me a call. I'd probably like to hear from you anyway! 

William and Robert are both doing well. Our trip last weekend was successful although the travel was grueling and I almost turned back to go home (the highway was shut down). I am so thankful for 2 sweet boys and understanding Dogs who kept me sane despite the stress. My gandmother's 80th party was wonderful and the food and company were beyond compare. 

Ranger joined William's Little Gym class on Tuesday. Their teacher said they are the cutest best friends ever and that she loved having them. William also has one of his favorite friends in his Little Gym class: Sam. I'm so happy my boys have friends! 

The boys are both already up from their naps so I have to end this here. If you are reading this, pray for us as we again travel to Dallas for the week starting tomorrow and then onto San Antonio next weekend. Thanksgiving means travelling for us, and I just want it to be smoother and less stressful than last weekend! 

Till next time!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

Not exactly sure what to write. Too much on my mind, I guess.

As a family, we went to Ranger's 3rd birthday party on Saturday. The weather was beautiful (the party was at a park) and a great time was had by all. We will be so sad come January when he and his sweet parents move to Houston, but there is a season for everything and we pray God's blessings over them and the next step in their lives.

Robert pooped on the potty a few weeks ago. It was a random occurrence, but seems worth mentioning. He was getting ready to take a bath and I could see the look on his face. So I put him on the potty with a potty seat and voila! The results have not been repeated though, so I think potty training may still be a ways off.

It's gotten cold here the past few days. The low tonight is 27F. I am glad our house holds heat well, because the wind is something terrible outside. I hope it warms up by this weekend  (which is not expected) as Francis and the men from our Sunday School class are going camping and they might just literally freeze! I will be heading to Dallas this weekend for Mom Noble's 80th birthday party, so we will be outside on and off going places. It makes me miss the warmth already and it isn't even Thanksgiving.

We had a first on Tuesday: I napped and William didn't. After multiple pleas that he wasn't tired, I told William he could play quietly in his room. He did and shortly after I rested my head on the couch only to wake up over an hour later to Robert screaming from his crib (he miraculously took a 2 hour nap). I peeked in on William and every book from his bookshelf was on the ground "burying some treasure " he had found in his closet. I went in his closet and every hanger he could reach lay on the ground. I took a deep breath, thankful that nothing was broken and helped him clean it up. At least he stayed in his room!

So, when I was pregnant with Robert, I craved these "Ranch dipped Hot Wing" chips. Seriously wanted them all the time even though they  are burn your mouth spicy. Well, I hadn't had them since having Robert, so I bough them on a whim. Yeah, they are I put them on the stairs with Francis's camping gear to take with him (so nice I know). Well, Robert keeps getting into the gear, digging out the chips and eating as many as he can before I catch him and take them away. I guess he really does like them, and that's why I craved them. Who knew?

That's really all I got. I need to get back to packing. Till next time!

Friday, November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014

Another Full week. I won't go into all the details, but here are a couple highlights:

The day trip to College Station was a success. William and Robert got to see A&M campus and Francis and the men had fun at the game. Tracy, her kids, her mother-in-law, Audrey, the boys and I went to Chick-fil-a and a Harvest Festival while Francis, Dave, his father, Andrew, Gershom, and Francis's Dad enjoyed a nail biter of a football game at Kyle Field. A good time was had by all. 

William can now tell his right from his left. He's been doing it for about a month now with complete accuracy. He says things like, "I have an ouchie on my right knee", or "mommy you just turned left in the car" or "I'm going to put my shoe on my left foot using my right hand" and he is always right. I'm not sure I'm even that good. It's impressive. 

Robert continues to talk more and more. He is becoming a very adept climber as well. We have moved a second stool into the kitchen for him to stand on while I make food. He stands on it and watches me, eager to help like William does. He can climb on the couch and even on our bed now, which I find very impressive. He still prefers to be held (after all, the view is better), but when that is not an option, he climbs to the highest point he can. I am just hoping he doesn't fall, because I can't keep him off everywhere. 

Today we went to the mall with Arlene and Caitlyn, and Angel and Ranger. My two pregnant friends. I am so blessed to know them and see their families grow. It was a great morning and it's simple days like this that I treasure. 

I...I have a lot on my mind, but I am choosing to be content in the moment. In this moment, all is right with the world. My boys are sleeping, Francis is hard a work (though I know he loves being home better, which makes my heart happy), and I have a quiet moment. All the rest, well, I will have to leave at the feet of my Savior. He is what I can never be, and without Him I come up empty. 

That is really all it comes down to.