Quite a miserable week. I got nothing done that I was intending to do. Why? Sickness. It started after gym on Monday, though I wouldn't know it until Tuesday evening. William would not eat all Tuesday and what he did eat, he promptly vomited all over his bed when he was laid down to sleep. I assumed at the time that it was because he had eaten grass earlier that day (he had snuck some in his mouth while I was weeding that morning). Plus he slept pretty well after he finished throwing up. We went to Bible Study the next morning after which I found William to have bad diarrhea. I still wasn't sure if he was just having gestational issues or if it was something more...until that afternoon. I started to feel nauseated. At first it was a little tickle. I took an hour nap when William went down ( I never nap, this should have been a clue). I woke up worse. Throughout the evening things got worse and worse until I finally vomited myself. I had a particularly full stomach from our Bible Study luncheon, so the early part of the night was gruesome. I had a sleepless, fever-and-hallucination-filled night. Poor Francis woke up the next morning feeling a bit off. Sure enough a few hours later, he was throwing up too. I called my mother, not knowing what else to do. She, being like Christ in sacrificial love, came up and took care of the three of us on Thursday and Friday. Most of that time is a bit of a tired, painful blur, but I do remember that I have an awesome mom. She caught it, by the way, and yet she says she still is glad she came. I hope to be like her someday.
William is a resilient little kiddo. He probably threw up the most and the longest, but he was happy and active in between. I don't know how he does it. I still feel sluggish. He is getting better about putting himself to sleep. Today he only spent 3 minutes screaming before falling asleep (a far cry from the 2 hours of fighting just a couple of weeks ago!). Last night he slept 10 hours straight (from 8-6) so I actually got some rest. The prospects for this week look much brighter!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
April 23rd, 2012
I sit here completely exhausted. After our second trip to The Little Gym (we missed last week), Every muscle in my body is sore. I know that they are supposed to wear William out, but I didn't know I would get such a work out. Front rolls, front and back "oopsie daisies", chasing balls (and children) about the room... Whew!
William is finally over his sickness from last week. He is crawling around and pulling up on things faster than ever. I can hardly catch him sometimes. He also recognizes the word no now for sure. He doesn't always listen to me when I tell him no, but he usually pauses before he does something he shouldn't. It's a start.
This weekend was very productive. We worked on the lawn and got a lot of home maintenance issues out of the way. Our yard, although by no means perfect, is looking way better.
Right now I am taking a stand for nap time. William is so tired, but he won't go down for a nap. I can see him on the monitor (which is now hung high on the wall so he can't slap it to the ground when he wants my attention) crying and yelling for me. He really need to learn to put himself to sleep. He is used to nursing himself to sleep (he falls asleep every time he nurses, but he needs to learn another way to take a nap. He is not happy. I have to be strong though. As sad as it is at 8 months, it will be worse the longer I wait. His constant calling of "Mama" in between sobs is really tugging at my heart.
Overall things are going well. Not much to report which I suppose is good news. I am looking forward to the coming weeks and months as spring and summer kick into high gear. That's it for now!
William is finally over his sickness from last week. He is crawling around and pulling up on things faster than ever. I can hardly catch him sometimes. He also recognizes the word no now for sure. He doesn't always listen to me when I tell him no, but he usually pauses before he does something he shouldn't. It's a start.
This weekend was very productive. We worked on the lawn and got a lot of home maintenance issues out of the way. Our yard, although by no means perfect, is looking way better.
Right now I am taking a stand for nap time. William is so tired, but he won't go down for a nap. I can see him on the monitor (which is now hung high on the wall so he can't slap it to the ground when he wants my attention) crying and yelling for me. He really need to learn to put himself to sleep. He is used to nursing himself to sleep (he falls asleep every time he nurses, but he needs to learn another way to take a nap. He is not happy. I have to be strong though. As sad as it is at 8 months, it will be worse the longer I wait. His constant calling of "Mama" in between sobs is really tugging at my heart.
Overall things are going well. Not much to report which I suppose is good news. I am looking forward to the coming weeks and months as spring and summer kick into high gear. That's it for now!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
April 17th, 2012
I waited a day in the hopes I would have something more to report about William's condition. This week has been a case of the good, the bad and the ugly. It's been mostly good though.
The gym last Monday was a lot of fun. William was able to crawl/run around and bump into anything without getting hurt. I know he had a great time and the instructor used him for all the examples. There are currently two other babies in the class, but as it was the very first day this location was open, I anticipate it growing rapidly.
We had to stop using the baby tub this week and switch William over to the real bathtub in the evening. After three days of him climbing out of the baby tub and using that as leverage to begin to hoist himself out of the big tub (we had the little tub in the big one), I decided the time had come. William loves his new freedom. He crawls around the tub splashing and playing with his toys. Even though he's not allowed to, he occasionally stands up and walks around in the tub also before I sit him back down.
My little boy is growing up so fast. He got two more teeth this week. That makes 6 in all. The two new ones are both on top next to the middle ones he already had. His smile looks foreign to me all of a sudden, but I am sure I will adjust quickly.
William is a wonderful kiddo, but sometimes I wonder if he is too smart for his own good. Last Wednesday while I was in Bible Study, William was in the nursery at church. The lady who normally runs the baby room was on vacation, so William had to go in the two-year-old room across the hall. When I came back, I noticed there was a bunge cord holding the swinging gate at the bottom of the door closed. All of the ladies are laughing when they see me which only adds to my confusion. They tell my that William kept crawling over to the gate, opening it and crawling down the hall. They said he was as happy as could be; he just wanted to explore. Even when they bungeed the door, he just sat staring at it trying to figure out what to do about it. No crying or whining, just thinking. That's my William!
Now for the best news: William's allergy test results came in. He's not allergic to citrus!!!!!! In fact, they ran the entire gambit of food allergies and could not find a single food that William is allergic to, including peaches. This just means his peach sensitivity is purely topical and he will probably outgrow it just like I did. I am so happy for him!
Finally, I've gotten to the bad and ugly. Saturday night/ Sunday morning William awoke around 1 am (after 2 nights of 10 hours of sleep straight, a new record!). I went in to change his diaper, and the second I touched him I knew something was wrong. It hurt to touch him, his skin was so hot. I picked him up and changed his diaper. He laid perfectly still and let me do it, very unlike my little squirmy boy. I then took him and woke up Francis. He fumbled around and got the thermometer. After many, many checks of his temperature, we found he was running a fever of 101.6. I struggled with going to the hospital, but after talking to a nurse on our insurance companies' hotline, I gave him some acetaminophen and went first thing in the morning (Sunday) to the after hours clinic. They found his temp to be 102.1 (which almost sent me into another round of tears). As the doctor looked into his mouth she found the ugly: horrible red ulcers and a red ring around the roof of his mouth. William has Herpangina. His fever broke yesterday morning around 5 am, but despite me and Francis taking care of him in shifts, William has gotten little more than restless, whining sleep since Friday evening. I feel bad for the little guy, but he seems to be doing better. What he has is a virus, so there's nothing I can do but pray. It's hard feeling so helpless, but I know the Father is in control. If you think about it, please pray for me, that I might actually get some sleep very soon. I'm running almost on empty.
Like I said, mostly good. The bit of bad is serious, but it will pass. Even a sick William is a blessing.
The gym last Monday was a lot of fun. William was able to crawl/run around and bump into anything without getting hurt. I know he had a great time and the instructor used him for all the examples. There are currently two other babies in the class, but as it was the very first day this location was open, I anticipate it growing rapidly.
We had to stop using the baby tub this week and switch William over to the real bathtub in the evening. After three days of him climbing out of the baby tub and using that as leverage to begin to hoist himself out of the big tub (we had the little tub in the big one), I decided the time had come. William loves his new freedom. He crawls around the tub splashing and playing with his toys. Even though he's not allowed to, he occasionally stands up and walks around in the tub also before I sit him back down.
My little boy is growing up so fast. He got two more teeth this week. That makes 6 in all. The two new ones are both on top next to the middle ones he already had. His smile looks foreign to me all of a sudden, but I am sure I will adjust quickly.
William is a wonderful kiddo, but sometimes I wonder if he is too smart for his own good. Last Wednesday while I was in Bible Study, William was in the nursery at church. The lady who normally runs the baby room was on vacation, so William had to go in the two-year-old room across the hall. When I came back, I noticed there was a bunge cord holding the swinging gate at the bottom of the door closed. All of the ladies are laughing when they see me which only adds to my confusion. They tell my that William kept crawling over to the gate, opening it and crawling down the hall. They said he was as happy as could be; he just wanted to explore. Even when they bungeed the door, he just sat staring at it trying to figure out what to do about it. No crying or whining, just thinking. That's my William!
Now for the best news: William's allergy test results came in. He's not allergic to citrus!!!!!! In fact, they ran the entire gambit of food allergies and could not find a single food that William is allergic to, including peaches. This just means his peach sensitivity is purely topical and he will probably outgrow it just like I did. I am so happy for him!
Finally, I've gotten to the bad and ugly. Saturday night/ Sunday morning William awoke around 1 am (after 2 nights of 10 hours of sleep straight, a new record!). I went in to change his diaper, and the second I touched him I knew something was wrong. It hurt to touch him, his skin was so hot. I picked him up and changed his diaper. He laid perfectly still and let me do it, very unlike my little squirmy boy. I then took him and woke up Francis. He fumbled around and got the thermometer. After many, many checks of his temperature, we found he was running a fever of 101.6. I struggled with going to the hospital, but after talking to a nurse on our insurance companies' hotline, I gave him some acetaminophen and went first thing in the morning (Sunday) to the after hours clinic. They found his temp to be 102.1 (which almost sent me into another round of tears). As the doctor looked into his mouth she found the ugly: horrible red ulcers and a red ring around the roof of his mouth. William has Herpangina. His fever broke yesterday morning around 5 am, but despite me and Francis taking care of him in shifts, William has gotten little more than restless, whining sleep since Friday evening. I feel bad for the little guy, but he seems to be doing better. What he has is a virus, so there's nothing I can do but pray. It's hard feeling so helpless, but I know the Father is in control. If you think about it, please pray for me, that I might actually get some sleep very soon. I'm running almost on empty.
Like I said, mostly good. The bit of bad is serious, but it will pass. Even a sick William is a blessing.
Monday, April 9, 2012
April 9th, 2012
I wish I took notes during the week about what was going on in my life. I feel like I always forget something important.
Well, we got the blood drawn for William's allergy tests, but it wasn't easy. After getting a clean bill of health from the doctor on Tuesday, we headed back to the lab (in the same building) for them to draw blood. William was an angel and tried to be an still and calm as possible. After three pokes, though, he was not so obliging. He screamed bloody murder for a long time while they felt around trying to get his vein. Apparently it kept rolling. After all three women tried (hence the three pokes), they gave up and told us to go to the lab in round rock where they were "specialists" in pediatric blood drawing. I was unhappy (crying in fact), but I made an appointment for the following day in Round Rock. After morning Bible Study, we headed the 30 minutes to the clinic. It only took them two women and two pokes to get his blood. William was not so kind to them and holding down my infant son who has no idea what is going on was one of the hardest things I;ve ever had to do. I wish this were the end of my story, but alas... When I got home from the clinic, they called and said one of the vials had clotted and could I come back in? I told them no, and they suggested I go BACK to Pflugerville (where I was the day before) and let them do a finger prick to get a little blood for them to run the final test. I was livid, but raced to the clinic (which was almost closed) and they got the blood. Poor William. I know he feels like I pincushion. I should be getting the results today. If Francis weren't so allergic to citrus, I would have given up on the whole endeavor, but I don't want to poison my baby!
Thursday we made the long trek to Tyler in east Texas. We stopped in Corsicana to meet and have lunch with Francis's father before he left for China. He hadn't seen William in over a month, so it was good to catch up. We arrived in Tyler about 3:45, and with the help of my parents, we got our tent set up in no time. William really enjoyed his first camping trip, although he didn't sleep well at night. Thursday night was the roughest as William did not sleep (except in my arms which means I didn't sleep), the dogs were going crazy at weird times, some squirrel like creatures decided to mate next to our tent in the middle of the night, and a raccoon actually chewed through our tent to get to the dog food. Needless to say it was a miserable night.William can run on almost no sleep though, so when his aunts Chrissy and Dani arrived the next day, he was raring to go.
During the day, though, William enjoyed an endless amount of new experiences. He went on his first boat ride in a canoe. He got to sit in his Aunt Chrissy's lap and try to climb out to reach the water. She was nice and held onto him so that he could drag his hand in the water. William also got to have his first Easter egg hunt. I stuffed his eggs with animal crackers. He was a tad more interested in eating the plastic eggs than finding them, but other than that it went well. William was also fed all kinds of new food, including different kinds of cheese, beans, pieces of fruit and veggies, ice pops, gelato, and salsa. William REALLY likes salsa. He's a mess.
My little boy acted pretty nice for both the Friday and Sunday morning services on the lake. I can't begin to think what Mary went through when her son was nailed to the cross. I am so thankful that Jesus died for me though. He died so that I might live. He is risen!
Everyone in my parents' Sunday School class got to hold William this weekend and adore him in turn. It was fun to see people that held me as a child get to hold my child. I think next year he will be a semipro when it comes to camping. Although he really enjoyed himself, I think he would have liked it even better if he could have walked around on his own.
We are about to head to William's first session at the baby gym. We are considering taking a mommy/baby class and we get a free one to try it out. I'll let you know how it goes!
Well, we got the blood drawn for William's allergy tests, but it wasn't easy. After getting a clean bill of health from the doctor on Tuesday, we headed back to the lab (in the same building) for them to draw blood. William was an angel and tried to be an still and calm as possible. After three pokes, though, he was not so obliging. He screamed bloody murder for a long time while they felt around trying to get his vein. Apparently it kept rolling. After all three women tried (hence the three pokes), they gave up and told us to go to the lab in round rock where they were "specialists" in pediatric blood drawing. I was unhappy (crying in fact), but I made an appointment for the following day in Round Rock. After morning Bible Study, we headed the 30 minutes to the clinic. It only took them two women and two pokes to get his blood. William was not so kind to them and holding down my infant son who has no idea what is going on was one of the hardest things I;ve ever had to do. I wish this were the end of my story, but alas... When I got home from the clinic, they called and said one of the vials had clotted and could I come back in? I told them no, and they suggested I go BACK to Pflugerville (where I was the day before) and let them do a finger prick to get a little blood for them to run the final test. I was livid, but raced to the clinic (which was almost closed) and they got the blood. Poor William. I know he feels like I pincushion. I should be getting the results today. If Francis weren't so allergic to citrus, I would have given up on the whole endeavor, but I don't want to poison my baby!
Thursday we made the long trek to Tyler in east Texas. We stopped in Corsicana to meet and have lunch with Francis's father before he left for China. He hadn't seen William in over a month, so it was good to catch up. We arrived in Tyler about 3:45, and with the help of my parents, we got our tent set up in no time. William really enjoyed his first camping trip, although he didn't sleep well at night. Thursday night was the roughest as William did not sleep (except in my arms which means I didn't sleep), the dogs were going crazy at weird times, some squirrel like creatures decided to mate next to our tent in the middle of the night, and a raccoon actually chewed through our tent to get to the dog food. Needless to say it was a miserable night.William can run on almost no sleep though, so when his aunts Chrissy and Dani arrived the next day, he was raring to go.
During the day, though, William enjoyed an endless amount of new experiences. He went on his first boat ride in a canoe. He got to sit in his Aunt Chrissy's lap and try to climb out to reach the water. She was nice and held onto him so that he could drag his hand in the water. William also got to have his first Easter egg hunt. I stuffed his eggs with animal crackers. He was a tad more interested in eating the plastic eggs than finding them, but other than that it went well. William was also fed all kinds of new food, including different kinds of cheese, beans, pieces of fruit and veggies, ice pops, gelato, and salsa. William REALLY likes salsa. He's a mess.
My little boy acted pretty nice for both the Friday and Sunday morning services on the lake. I can't begin to think what Mary went through when her son was nailed to the cross. I am so thankful that Jesus died for me though. He died so that I might live. He is risen!
Everyone in my parents' Sunday School class got to hold William this weekend and adore him in turn. It was fun to see people that held me as a child get to hold my child. I think next year he will be a semipro when it comes to camping. Although he really enjoyed himself, I think he would have liked it even better if he could have walked around on his own.
We are about to head to William's first session at the baby gym. We are considering taking a mommy/baby class and we get a free one to try it out. I'll let you know how it goes!
Monday, April 2, 2012
April 2, 2012
So a couple of developments this week. My mother came in town on Thursday through Sunday. She and my Aunt Camille babysat on Saturday so Francis and I got a rare night out. It is wonderful to get to spend time with my husband. We went to dinner and a movie and just enjoyed each others' company.
I meant to mention this last week, but since I got back from Dallas, I have been placing William in the floor of the bathroom with a bunch of toys while I shower. I had previously been putting him in the bouncer, but he has figured out how to escape. Well, each morning William plays with his toys for a bit and then crawls over to the shower door and starts banging on it and calling out to me. It was cute the first few times, but it makes it hard to get out when I am done. I may never have a moment alone again at this rate.
Speaking of crawling, as of yesterday William is truly crawling with his stomach off the ground consistently, but it is different than a traditional crawl. He keeps one knee in the air (with only his foot on the ground) and then uses the other knee and his hands to get around. He was on the floor playing with a piece of paper (cheap thrills!) when he started doing it. At first I thought it was a fluke, but he kept doing it all afternoon and evening as well as this morning. I will try to get it on video when I get a chance.
William is starting to sleep a little better. He did a record 10 hours in a row night before last. Last night he did about 7 in a row. Every time I feel like we are making progress though, we hit another setback. Francis installed a ceiling fan in William's room this week and I think it has been helping. Only time will tell though.
Finally, yesterday after Sunday School and before service I went to pick up William to feed him. I heard horrible screaming as I entered the children's area and I hurried to William's class. Every child in there was either making noise, screaming or crying except mine: he was fast asleep! They didn't want me to take him, lol. When I came and picked him up after the service, the two childcare ladies were just doting on my little boy. They think he will be walking any day now and can't get over his smile. The older lady said, "If he has red on his face, I'm sorry. It's my lipstick." My boy is such a charmer!
I guess that is it for now. Tomorrow the doctor is doing the test to see if William is allergic to citrus. I will post the results when they come in!
I meant to mention this last week, but since I got back from Dallas, I have been placing William in the floor of the bathroom with a bunch of toys while I shower. I had previously been putting him in the bouncer, but he has figured out how to escape. Well, each morning William plays with his toys for a bit and then crawls over to the shower door and starts banging on it and calling out to me. It was cute the first few times, but it makes it hard to get out when I am done. I may never have a moment alone again at this rate.
Speaking of crawling, as of yesterday William is truly crawling with his stomach off the ground consistently, but it is different than a traditional crawl. He keeps one knee in the air (with only his foot on the ground) and then uses the other knee and his hands to get around. He was on the floor playing with a piece of paper (cheap thrills!) when he started doing it. At first I thought it was a fluke, but he kept doing it all afternoon and evening as well as this morning. I will try to get it on video when I get a chance.
William is starting to sleep a little better. He did a record 10 hours in a row night before last. Last night he did about 7 in a row. Every time I feel like we are making progress though, we hit another setback. Francis installed a ceiling fan in William's room this week and I think it has been helping. Only time will tell though.
Finally, yesterday after Sunday School and before service I went to pick up William to feed him. I heard horrible screaming as I entered the children's area and I hurried to William's class. Every child in there was either making noise, screaming or crying except mine: he was fast asleep! They didn't want me to take him, lol. When I came and picked him up after the service, the two childcare ladies were just doting on my little boy. They think he will be walking any day now and can't get over his smile. The older lady said, "If he has red on his face, I'm sorry. It's my lipstick." My boy is such a charmer!
I guess that is it for now. Tomorrow the doctor is doing the test to see if William is allergic to citrus. I will post the results when they come in!
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